doadin / Plexus

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[Request] GridStatusDirectionArrows #18

Closed a2line closed 3 years ago

a2line commented 3 years ago

I was cleaning my Grid sub-addons and see I still have GridStatusDirectionArrows that was marvelous to quickly know where out of range players (who often need heals!) are and how far. It helped a lot to take better decisions while healing. We can minimize our movements (and that way heal more) by taking instantly the right directions and also estimate the time of the round-trip, so we know “if it would be insightfull to reach that player or if it is at a loss for the raid”.

Is there a way to have a similar distance mesurement + arrow system working in Plexus?

yoshimo commented 3 years ago

I doubt that it makes sense to port this due to changes from Patch 7. 0.1 4 years ago:

GetPlayerMapPosition (2016-10-25): Returns nil while inside a restricted area (instance/battleground/arena).

So you can't know where people are when it is needed the most.

doadin commented 3 years ago

This is true they serve very little use I was still looking into adding it but because of its little use its very low priority. I would like to add/update every grid plugin I can I want people to have the best experience they can while transitioning from grid to plexus. That all being said I would like to leave this open in the case that I do get to it, if you would prefer to close it since it affects your account as well feel free.

doadin commented 3 years ago

its on the todo list so just gonna close this I can keep track of it from there.