docker-archive / communitytools-image2docker-linux

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Demo VM not containerizing completely - No operating system detected or provisioned #11

Open david-yu opened 7 years ago

david-yu commented 7 years ago

I ran the transformation on the vm provided by the project and got the following results:

ubuntu@worker-node1:~/transformation$ sudo ../communitytools-image2docker-linux/bin/v2c-linux64 build /vagrant/for-export-flat.vmdk 
Running image transformation.
Using existing unpacked image.
Creating container for v2c/centos-detective:v6.8
Creating container for v2c/init.tomcat-detective:1
Creating container for v2c/app.tomcat8.5.5-detective:1
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.10
Creating container for v2c/init.apache2-sysv.detective:2
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04.1
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04.1
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v14.04.5
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.10
Creating container for v2c/conf.mysql5-data.detective:1
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v14.04.5
Creating container for v2c/conf.apache2-etc.detective:1
Creating container for v2c/conf.apache2-var-www.detective:1
Creating container for v2c/app.apt-repl.detective:1
No results for v2c/init.tomcat-detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/app.tomcat8.5.5-detective:1 code: 2
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.10 code: 2
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.10 code: 2
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04 code: 2
No results for v2c/centos-detective:v6.8 code: 2
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04 code: 2
No results for v2c/conf.mysql5-data.detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04.1 code: 2
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04.1 code: 2
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v14.04.5 code: 2
No results for v2c/init.apache2-sysv.detective:2 code: 1
No results for v2c/conf.apache2-var-www.detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/conf.apache2-etc.detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v14.04.5 code: 2
Creating container for v2c/app.apt-repl.provisioner:1
No operating system detected or provisioned

This is what I get out as ouput:

ubuntu@worker-node1:~/transformation/application$ ls
7fbdc5da45a7f545bd13fb9677009be9551bf2a0eb7d92e33bd2f771c3dbd955.manifest  7fbdc5da45a7f545bd13fb9677009be9551bf2a0eb7d92e33bd2f771c3dbd955.tar

Opening up the Dockerfile in the tar file shows this in the Dockerfile:

ubuntu@worker-node1:~/transformation/application$ more Dockerfile 
RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install -y
nsahaytech commented 7 years ago

I'm also getting the same result. Anyone got this issue resolved?

allingeek commented 6 years ago

Can you tell me where you got the input VMDK?

david-yu commented 6 years ago

I got the input VMDK from what was pointed in the of this project:
brandonroyal commented 6 years ago

I'm able to reproduce this as well. I'm not sure if this is related but I'm now unable to unmount the v2c-transportvolume. I now get the message, no matter what .vmdk I point to.

output $ i2d build ~/test.vmdk
Running image transformation.
Using existing unpacked image.
Creating container for v2c/centos-detective:v6.8
Creating container for vc2/app.glassfish4-detective:1
Creating container for v2c/conf.mysql5-data.detective:1
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.10
Creating container for v2c/init.tomcat-detective:1
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04.1
Creating container for v2c/app.tomcat8.5.5-detective:1
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04
Creating container for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v14.04.5
Creating container for v2c/init.apache2-sysv.detective:2
Creating container for vc2/app.glassfish3-detective:1
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v14.04.5
Creating container for v2c/conf.apache2-var-www.detective:1
Creating container for v2c/app.apt-repl.detective:1
Creating container for v2c/conf.apache2-etc.detective:1
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04.1
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.10
Creating container for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04 code: 2
No results for v2c/init.apache2-sysv.detective:2 code: 1
No results for v2c/centos-detective:v6.8 code: 2
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.10 code: 2
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v14.04.5 code: 2
No results for vc2/app.glassfish3-detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/init.tomcat-detective:1 code: 1
No results for vc2/app.glassfish4-detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/app.tomcat8.5.5-detective:1 code: 2
No results for v2c/conf.mysql5-data.detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/conf.apache2-etc.detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/conf.apache2-var-www.detective:1 code: 1
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.10 code: 2
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04 code: 2
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v14.04.5 code: 2
No results for v2c/ubuntu-detective:v16.04.1 code: 2
No results for v2c/runit-detective:ubuntu-v16.04.1 code: 2
Result found for:
Creating container for v2c/app.apt-repl.provisioner:1
Unable to remove the transport volume due to: Error response from daemon: unable to remove volume: remove v2c-transport: volume is in use - [e5a24dd4f41b0c3a1a08509aa26ba70f691110d258d4a5470c5dd8ec1c81724c]
No operating system detected or provisioned.
pdevine commented 6 years ago

@BrandonRoyal 's problem turned out to be a the vmdk mounting container / volumes were still around when he tried running the i2d again after a previous failure. We're really bad about cleaning up after ourselves. Brandon also ran into an issue where he was trying to lift/shift an Ubuntu 16.04.2 OS but he just sent out PR #21 for that.

@yongshin I'm not sure where things are breaking for you, but we should have better logging in these cases. I did run into a similar issue when I was testing everything out, but I did (somehow) manage to get everything to work.

malleshicn commented 6 years ago

Hi Team,

I was trying to convert .vmdk given by "" using image2docker for linux. I have made few observations

  1. After obtaining docker file , I created docker image and able to start container. But Apache2 and mysql service were not running. it was in stopped state. Also surprisingly I was able to access php webpage even though services were showing stop status. .
  2. I created my own LAMP stack and APache machine (.vmdk). I tried to convert to docker file using command "bin/v2c-linux64 build -n PATH-TO_for-export-flat.vmdk" ( we have given path of .vmdk) , But I ended up with below error .

Result found for: v2c/app.apt-repl.detective:1 Creating container for v2c/app.apt-repl.provisioner:1 The transport volume remains intact. No operating system detected or provisioned.

Please let me know if I missed anything before conversion or still its in development phase to try with users own machine. Thanks for your support.

Regards, Malleshi CN

Priyaranimishra commented 6 years ago

Hi Guys, I'm now unable to unmount the v2c-transport volume and getting below error , Please provide solution The transport volume remains intact. No operating system detected or provisioned.

Please let us know what need to change or add.

ashwinipraveen commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys, I am getting the below error while trying to create a dockerfile.

Running image transformation. Unpacked input will not be cleaned up upon completion. Using existing unpacked image. The transport volume remains intact. No components were detected.