docker / build-push-action

GitHub Action to build and push Docker images with Buildx
Apache License 2.0
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Random 403 errors when pushing to GHCR #463

Closed jauderho closed 3 years ago

jauderho commented 3 years ago


Pushing to GHCR seems to randomly resulting in 403s in the last 24 hours. Rerunning the GH action seems to resolve things (partially).


See above.

Failure message : buildx failed with: error: failed to solve: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden

Steps to reproduce this issue

  1. Kick off GH action to rebuild Docker images
  2. See
  3. Check one of the recent failed runs. For example,

Expected behaviour

Builds should complete with no issue.

Actual behaviour


jauderho commented 3 years ago

To be clear, I have multiple actions that each build docker images for different apps failing, see

I currently count 5 so it does not appear to an isolated issue.

revolunet commented 3 years ago

same issue here, not on all images but some and its quite systematic

crazy-max commented 3 years ago

@markphelps Looks similar to #251

jauderho commented 3 years ago

Just saw a suggestion on the orange site:

I'm trying it out now and will report back.

crazy-max commented 3 years ago

As the ephemeral secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN would be invalidated when the job is completed, I wonder if there is a limited token pool per repo? Any idea @chrispat?

We recently faced this; if you are using the docker/login action I'd give that a check as it turned out it was logging us out by default at the end of each job; resulting in some race conditions when running multiple runners on the same machine (sharing the same docker daemon).

As I can see you're not using a self-hosted runner so it's not your case.

Simple fix was to add logout: false to the action options.

Don't think it will change smth as docker logout only erases token from the credential store.

jauderho commented 3 years ago

Nope, it did not work. Still fails.

onedr0p commented 3 years ago

Also facing this issue, it seems to happen intermittently but more times than not.

onedr0p commented 3 years ago

I have verified the following steps work for me to resolve the issue, however, this is not ideal.

Maybe this can shed a light into what's happening @chrispat ?

Build that failed:

Build that passed after deleting the image from GHCR:

onedr0p commented 3 years ago

I have also tried toggling Inherit access from source repository (recommended) and toggling the image visibility between Public and Private to no avail. This is definitely not an issue we cannot resolve on our end besides completely deleting the image and pushing it again.

ondrejmirtes commented 3 years ago

I'm experiencing the same problem. I'm logging with docker-login-action:

      - name: Login to ghcr
        uses: docker/login-action@v1
          username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
          password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

And trying to push with this action:

      - name: Build and push
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
          builder: ${{ }}
          context: ./docker
          file: ./docker/Dockerfile
          build-args: |
            PHPSTAN_VERSION=dev-master#${{ github.sha }}
          push: true
          platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
          cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache
          cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache

This is how the output tail looks like:

#27 [auth] phpstan/phpstan:pull,push token for
#27 DONE 0.0s

#28 [auth] phpstan/phpstan:pull,push token for
#28 DONE 0.0s

#29 [auth] phpstan/phpstan:pull,push token for
#29 DONE 0.0s

#26 exporting to image
#26 pushing layers 0.5s done
#26 ERROR: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden
 > exporting to image:
error: failed to solve: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden
Error: buildx failed with: error: failed to solve: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden
onedr0p commented 3 years ago

After a couple more hours of debugging I fixed it with this under the package settings, or the problem resolved itself.

It doesn't make sense why this would be needed for one image package in my repo and not the other image packages in the same repo.


jauderho commented 3 years ago

@onedr0p How are you getting to that dialog? My google-fu is failing me today and I am unable to find the location so that I can check that setting. Thanks.

revolunet commented 3 years ago

You can find it in[XXX]/packages/container/[YYY]/settings

or by going to the package page then "package settings"

jauderho commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that @onedr0p 's solution seems to work. I have now rebuilt two images with no issue and are rerunning jobs on my remaining failed actions.

To reiterate, the steps are:

  1. Go to the packages page
  2. Pick a package and set the following (eg
  3. "Add a repository" - in my case, it is jauderho/dockerfiles and enable write access
  4. Enable "Inherit access from source repository (recommended)"

What's odd is that as I went through and checked the settings for all of my packages (21!), it seemed some were already set this way and seem to be the ones not having issues.

I wonder if there was some backend maintenance and somehow these settings were lost. Can someone from GitHub investigate and confirm?

Update: All of my images have successfully built.

waybackarchiver commented 3 years ago

It works for me!

filipesilva commented 3 years ago

I'm also seeing this problem on push to a PR, but not on push for tags. So it might be somehow related to the metadata, which is different between PR push and tag?

In my case these were the tags for a build that didn't work:

Docker tags

but these tags worked:

Docker tags

In my case the image did not exist at all to begin with, so I couldn't follow the steps in

crazy-max commented 3 years ago


on push to a PR

Not related to that issue but check permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN in your workflow on PR. Afaik it will not work without a pull_request_target event but be very careful with it.

Closing this issue as it seems to be solved.

jrschumacher commented 2 years ago

Switching to a PAT worked for me. I used this action and redhat-actions/buildah-build and redhat-actions/push-to-registry and both resulted in a 403. Even with adding the repo to the package, granting explicit access, etc.

Once I returned to a PAT it worked flawlessly.

joostschriek commented 2 years ago

I think this 403 has to do with how the github packages registry resolves. Using any varient of just in the tags or as the registry property doesn't work. Using the registry: how ever solves my issues.

rupe120 commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that @onedr0p 's solution seems to work. I have now rebuilt two images with no issue and are rerunning jobs on my remaining failed actions.

To reiterate, the steps are:

1. Go to the packages page

2. Pick a package and set the following (eg

3. "Add a repository" - in my case, it is jauderho/dockerfiles and enable write access

4. Enable "Inherit access from source repository (recommended)"

What's odd is that as I went through and checked the settings for all of my packages (21!), it seemed some were already set this way and seem to be the ones not having issues.

I wonder if there was some backend maintenance and somehow these settings were lost. Can someone from GitHub investigate and confirm?

Update: All of my images have successfully built.

I'm feeling dumb. Where is the packages page ?

filipesilva commented 2 years ago

@rupe120 it's on the user/org page. In your case:


4th tab on the top.

randomairborne commented 2 years ago

For me, that just says "get started with packages". There's no option to create a new one or anything.

CyberCitizen01 commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that @onedr0p 's solution seems to work. I have now rebuilt two images with no issue and are rerunning jobs on my remaining failed actions.

To reiterate, the steps are:

  1. Go to the packages page
  2. Pick a package and set the following (eg
  3. "Add a repository" - in my case, it is jauderho/dockerfiles and enable write access
  4. Enable "Inherit access from source repository (recommended)"

What's odd is that as I went through and checked the settings for all of my packages (21!), it seemed some were already set this way and seem to be the ones not having issues.

I wonder if there was some backend maintenance and somehow these settings were lost. Can someone from GitHub investigate and confirm?

Update: All of my images have successfully built.

For me none of the above worked, after wandering over the internet and github for 13 Hrs! I found out my solution [^1]:

Select the Read and write permissions option for Workflow permissions in the Actions' settings page of the repository (<username>/<repository>/settings/actions). 👍🏻

[^1]: Note: I did this after ensuring steps 3 and 4 of @jauderho's comment were done.

bopm commented 2 years ago

For anyone who struggles to get to that settings page, two hints:

  1. For organizations link will be NAME/packages/container/PACKAGE NAME/settings
  2. You can get from UI there: image
begs commented 1 year ago

For anyone stumbling into this error and have the same issue as @randomairborne, make sure that your personal token has write:packages included in scope. That was the fix for me.


gazer42 commented 1 year ago

Apparently this error also triggers when you set an "invalid" tag.

As stated here, periods in tags are allowed. Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 10 52 51

The workflow step looked something like this:

- name: Build and push
  uses: docker/build-push-action@v1
    push: true
    load: false
    file: path/to/Dockerfile
    context: .
    tags: ${{ env.DOCKER_TAGS }}

Where ${{ env.DOCKER_TAGS }} was something like

How is this tag invalid you ask? Well it seems like periods are not allowed in this case because this also triggered the above mentioned error. In my opinion this error is rather misleading!

snowdream commented 1 year ago

After a couple more hours of debugging I fixed it with this under the package settings, or the problem resolved itself.

It doesn't make sense why this would be needed for one image package in my repo and not the other image packages in the same repo.


It works,Thank you.

JoshMcCullough commented 1 year ago

What's odd is that as I went through and checked the settings for all of my packages (21!), it seemed some were already set this way and seem to be the ones not having issues.

I read somewhere in the GHA docs that if you publish a package via a workflow, but that workflow did not initially create the package, then it "would" or "could" fail -- don't remember which. I believe it had to do with how the package is linked to the repo. I tried to find these docs again but could not.

ChristopherRabotin commented 1 year ago

This issue should seriously be reopened. I've been struggling trying to fix this for at least three hours now, and I'm well versed in both Github actions and Docker.

I have no packages... so I can't access the basically hidden "package settings" link: for people reading this, you must click on any package that is listed if you have any, scroll two thirds down the page and you'll see on the right a "package settings" link. Screenshot from 2023-06-10 21-36-05

My repo allows for all github actions to be executed.

Screenshot from 2023-06-10 21-37-51

And the GITHUB TOKEN has all permissions Screenshot from 2023-06-10 21-38-06

So yup, here I am unable to figure out why this isn't working but really, this is a Github UX and Docker action problem.

mdsitton commented 1 year ago

Yeah i'm also having the same issue as @ChristopherRabotin how do we create a new package? When trying to push a new package that doesn't exist for the first time it just errors...

ChristopherRabotin commented 1 year ago

@mdsitton what's your yaml like? Despite the permissions above, I had to add the write permissions too :

captainhook commented 7 months ago

@mdsitton what's your yaml like? Despite the permissions above, I had to add the write permissions too :

Probably not ideal to have write-all permission. I'm still seeing this very issue today.

tfrijsewijk commented 6 months ago

I ended up deleting the package:


Instant satisfaction 🤷

phyzical commented 2 months ago

thx @onedr0p (small world)

If you face this issue either someone already created a package with this name so it doesn't "inherit" from the repo or you may have inherit permissions off on the org/repo so you just have to do it yourself

jb747 commented 1 week ago

Deleting the images created using another token worked for me.