documentcloud / jammit

Industrial Strength Asset Packaging for Rails
MIT License
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new tag/release needed to apply patch for Rails 4! #256

Closed shaioz closed 8 years ago

shaioz commented 10 years ago

Current version (0.6.6) doesn't work, and Heroku actively rejects projects with the latest gem of jammit!

I've temporarily forked and released a version for my uses. ( The problem was fixed 7 months ago here: but until you release a new version, Bundler will continue to check out 0.6.6 which if broken for RoR 4.

Please release a new version so the gem will be usable again.

Thanks in advance, Shai.

xxx commented 10 years ago

+1. Would be super to have this.

shaioz commented 10 years ago

Seems like this package is unmaintained, for people coming here with the same problem, you can use my fork until jammit solves this:

# gem 'jammit'
gem 'jammit', :github => 'shaioz/jammit'

then run

bundle update jammit
dperrymorrow commented 10 years ago

thanks @shaioz using your fork, a shame though this doesn't get patched. Jammit is still IMO the best solution for Rails folks who do not need the complexity of the asset pipeline.

Or am i mistaken are there other better options than Jammit?

knowtheory commented 10 years ago

Hey guys, sorry about this. We have a rails4 branch that it looks like we're pegging directly to the branch/repo for our platform.

I've been terrible about promising releases, but we will get this rolled out so that everybody can use it. In the meantime don't hesitate to peg to

We've also just made the slog all the way from rails2 to rails4, so things should come along quicker, and more regularly now.

dperrymorrow commented 10 years ago

worked for me

gem 'jammit', github: 'documentcloud/jammit', branch: 'rails4'
joshuasiler commented 9 years ago

+1 would like to see a release of this

knowtheory commented 9 years ago

Cool, we'll cut a release shortly.

reefdog commented 8 years ago

"Shortly" ended up being a bit longer than anticipated, but for those pegged to the rails4 branch, you can now return to RubyGems proper. 0.7.0 has the Rails 4 fixes and a few other things.