documentcloud / jammit

Industrial Strength Asset Packaging for Rails
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Jammit should warn when it fails to load an explicitly configured compressor. #257

Open ses4j opened 10 years ago

ses4j commented 10 years ago

I was configured to use the Google Closure Compiler:

javascript_compressor: closure

But was unwittingly falling back to jsmin because

require 'closure-compiler'

was failing silently due to it not being installed.

josephmisiti commented 10 years ago


crystalneth commented 9 years ago

Same issue. I had to add the yui-compressor gem to my rails Gemfile, despite yui compressor being the documented default and there not being any indication that the gem needs to be installed separately. Seems strange that the default compressor would not be a dependency, but a non-default compressor would be a dependency.

Jammit was falling back to jsmin without any warning or error. If my config file says yui, please fail if yui can't be loaded. Falling back is just confusing.