dodiku / news_scraper

A web scraper that gets news articles about a list of companies from a list of websites
1 stars 1 forks source link
python scraper terminal web

Fernando's news scraper

Hey dude,
Welcome to your new web scraper!


How to install?

  1. Download the project as a zip file.

  2. Unzip the file.

  3. Open your terminal app, navigate to the folder you just unzipped, and while you are on the project folder type -
    $ virtualenv env
    if you get an error (which means that the Python virtualenv package is not installed on your machine), run -
    $ pip install virtualenv

  4. Open the Python virtual environment by typing -
    $ source env/bin/activate

  5. Install all project dependencies by typing -
    (env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

All good?
Let's rock 😎

How to use?

  1. You set up the list of websites you want to scrape on the websites.txt file.

  2. You set up the companies you want to want to look for on the companies.txt file.

  3. While inside the virtual environment and inside the project folder, run - python


The results should be: