When a builder reconnects during a build it should resync its state with the website.
Currently issues happen because NimBuild by default thinks there is no job when the builder connects. Commands which require a job to be running are sent and an assert job.isInProgress gets called along the way.
Warning: Could not write to logfile as it is nil.
Got line from builder: { "desc": "\"koch.exe boot -d:release\" started.", "even
tType": 0, "cmd": "koch.exe", "args": "boot -d:release"}
Fatal error for builder-windows-x86(
Traceback (most recent call last)
website.nim(1161) website
asyncio.nim(617) poll
asyncio.nim(212) asyncSockHandleRead
website.nim(142) :anonymous
website.nim(639) handleModuleMsg
website.nim(421) parseMessage
website.nim(262) setDesc
system.nim(2555) hiddenRaiseAssert
system.nim(1844) raiseAssert
When a builder reconnects during a build it should resync its state with the website.
Currently issues happen because NimBuild by default thinks there is no job when the builder connects. Commands which require a job to be running are sent and an assert job.isInProgress gets called along the way.