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Manager Interview: Hugo Lopes - James #80

Closed donbonifacio closed 6 years ago

donbonifacio commented 6 years ago


donbonifacio commented 6 years ago

Hello Hugo, can you introduce yourself and talk a bit about your background and what you do?

HugoDLopes commented 6 years ago

Hi Pedro! First of all, let me thank you for the invitation to this interview. I've been following your blog for some time, and it is quite an impressive knowledge base.

My name is Hugo Lopes, and I'm currently the Head of Research and Development (R&D) at James, a Fintech company based in Lisbon, Portugal. We help financial institutions make better and faster credit decisions by enabling the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at an enterprise level. Besides that, I'm also a Data Science teacher for two institutions, Rumos and the Lisbon Data Science Academy.

I'm an Aerospace Engineering by training with a double MSc degree from Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, Portugal) and Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). I graduated in 2011, and worked for about 4.5 years on my formation field, in European Space Agency projects related to Astrodynamics, Signal Processing, and Simulation. The projects were truly interesting, and one of them was actually to create a software to work in a real space environment, estimating the exact location of an orbiting satellite.

Despite all of these interesting projects, I decided I wanted to work on a more product-focused company and put my hands on machine learning algorithms. I always had in the back of my mind that the Data Science field was something that would "boom". So, back in 2014, I started learning all I needed to make the turn. I ended up joining James (formerly know as CrowdProcess) in 2016, as a Data Scientist, to work on a hedge fund project. Subsequently, I started helping with product development, mainly focused on the research and development of the scientific backend of James (also the name of the product).

donbonifacio commented 6 years ago

That's a very interesting and broad background. How does your research department work and how do you interact with typical product development flows?

HugoDLopes commented 6 years ago

When I accepted the opportunity to become the Head of R&D team I thought I could mimic some methodologies from big tech companies. Most of them do R&D, right? However, finding a process-fit for our workflow was, and continues to be, one of my greatest challenges. Agile methodologies are great for software development teams but we quickly bump into two problems: the very broad scope of our tasks and the challenging time estimation.

The R&D team is composed of data scientists and one data engineer. Literally adopting the name "R&D" (Research and Development) we are a team that besides seeking innovation for the whole company, we also develop product-ready code. This might not look like a big challenge, but although most of the data scientists we interview have great math/statistic background, they generally lack knowledge on the software development.

As I already mentioned, finding a flow that fits all cases is not easy but our current workflow has the following structure:

  1. Idea or request from Product or Financial Service teams.
    1. Output: prioritization and definition of task/story
  2. Research: scientific papers review, market research, etc.
    1. Output: a knowledge document and development sketching
  3. Development: prototype with benchmarking (quick and dirty)
    1. Output: benchmarking results comparing with other tools (the task might not go to the next step)
  4. Development: code development for one of our libraries
    1. Output: product-ready code according to our standards
  5. Code review by another team member and (very picky :) ) data engineer
    1. Output: delivery made to our code base, delivery to stakeholder
  6. Dissemination: share what was done
    1. Output: mini-talk for the company, whitepaper, blog post, external talk, etc.

One curious point is the last one. This is something critical when you combine Data Science and R&D teams. We are transversal to the other teams, and it is sometimes difficult for our colleagues to understand what we are really doing. It is our job, as R&D team, to let all company know about our findings, e.g., by the means of mini-talks, and make it easily accessible to anyone, by having a public knowledge base.

Regarding the product development flow, we are frequently some weeks/months ahead. We contribute in a dual way to the product:

  1. Customer requests that become prioritized and the R&D team is assigned to implement (we are responsible for the scientific background of the product). We typically have 1-2 weeks of buffer. For instance, one statistical test that keeps on being requested.
  2. Innovation: by talking with our customers and Head of Product we become aware of the (broader) problems that our customers have and we seek a solution; or, we come up with an idea no one was aware that will enhance the product. We typically have, at least, one month of margin. For instance, explainability of machine learning models (the so-called black boxes).

All of our work is regularly embedded into the Product roadmap. The first step, which can be independent of the workflow step we are at, is the creation and iteration with wireframes. The engineering team develops the backend (to link with our libraries) and the frontend. Finally, the R&D team participates again in the last step (in a kind of staging environment) where we verify everything is sound and clear - scientifically correct.

donbonifacio commented 6 years ago

Can you talk a bit about your hiring process? Do you also target software engineers or do you try to find data scientists who code?

HugoDLopes commented 6 years ago

Our main focus is Data Scientists, but since we also develop production-ready code, we also search for people with complementary capabilities in software architecture and versioning, and test-driven development. Finding a person that has knowledge in both fields is not an easy task.

We are very fortunate to have a great reach toward professionals with a culture closely aligned with ours since we participate in many community events - take for instance the PyData Lisbon meetup or the Lisbon Data Science Academy. We generally publish our vacancies on our website, social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) and check references from our own colleagues.

Regarding our hiring process, we have a first pre-screening stage where we verify if the candidate has what it takes to fill the vacancy. This is generally done through a questionnaire they have to fill upon application. If so, the candidate can then demonstrate his/her technical capabilities in a home challenge assignment. A lot of candidates drop-out at this stage, since they have to "spend time" demonstrating they want the position. If the challenge is successful, there is an in-person interview (of about 1-2 hours) where we evaluate knowledge and reasoning capabilities, passion, and communication skills. In this get-to-know interview, we also access if there is a cultural fit (although it's pretty difficult to assess that in just a couple of hours).

I think it is worth mentioning that we have an internal Data Science Academy where new colleagues can bridge-out some missing knowledge they might have. There is no such thing as Data Science unicorns.

donbonifacio commented 6 years ago

And when you welcome a new member to the team, do you have special concerns regarding the on-boarding process? How can you make sure that newcomers get up to speed quickly and smoothly?

HugoDLopes commented 6 years ago

Our onboarding process went through a refactor very recently. We learned from our own mistakes in the past. Well, lack of action and consideration for this important stage... Consequently, we created an onboarding guide, that all managers have access to, where we have things like: "decide on person seat" (yes, it happened before), "have a computer set up on first day", "present the new person to the other teams during the first week", "make sure the new person is invited for lunch every day", etc. Some of them are pretty obvious and common sense, but having this as a checklist makes sure we don't forget any of them. Also, common sense doesn't mean everybody does it.

One curious thing we internally created is to assign a "buddy" to each new colleague, i.e., a person that has more than 6 months of house experience and should come from another team. The buddy's main responsibilities are to make the new colleague feel comfortable, integrated into our culture, and showing how things work around. So far, it has been a success.

Then, in relation to the technical part, we have an internal training system where the person can bridge-out the technical weaknesses related to what we in the R&D team. In general, the new colleague is given some time per week, for at least the first month, to make sure his/her knowledge is sharp. Again, we aren't expecting to hire unicorns. Regarding integration with our workflow, it is easier to get used to it by direct observation and experimentation (e.g., recurrent meetings) than by any kind of slides presentation and documentation reading. In about two weeks, the person is fully integrated.

donbonifacio commented 6 years ago

That seems to be a well thought out process. That's great and it's not that usual. After having the team assembled we need to make the team healthy. How do you make sure that the team is productive and happy?

HugoDLopes commented 6 years ago

As a starter, in order to be productive, you have to define what is considered “one-unit” of productivity for your team. It might be a new functionality or it might be something related to business metrics. In the end, a person might have a very intense day of work, and be doing everything right, but, is that person doing the right thing?

I remember when I was learning Calculus at Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon). The classes were pretty daunting (probably, most people felt the same as me)! Looking back now, one of the main reasons for my low productivity (learning amount per class) was not knowing “why” I needed to learn what was being taught. Today, I know that if we understand the end goal (e.g., application of a function) it is much more motivating, and helps to be on track. I try never to create a task without the reason "why it exists" made very explicit.

Another aspect related to both a happy and productive team, i.e. a functional team, is related to trust among team members. Without trust, teamwork is all but impossible. Team trust can be represented by easiness to ask for help, admit weaknesses and mistakes, etc.

When a team is built upon trust, team members do not have fear of conflict during discussions, which is particularly important in an R&D team. Topics should be discussed with sincere arguments - productive conflict should exist, not destructive fighting and interpersonal politics. When you trust your team members you can have this kind of conflict, without fear of your opinion being scrutinized.

Then, if the team is able to have this kind of productive conflicts, and everyone opinion was heard, then you can avoid the lack of commitment to group decisions. Sometimes, your idea does not go forward, but if you feel your opinion was heard and respected, then you more easily commit to the "team decision", and you are also accountable for the outputs of that task. It is not easy to arrive at this commitment stage but it is something every team should be willing to.

Finally, regular one-on-ones, not always the kind of formal ones - in the office, taking notes, looking serious - are important. Understand individual objectives and fit them within the company goals is a difficult but necessary task to be done.

donbonifacio commented 6 years ago

We can have a healthy team, we can have our well defined whys, but how can we know that we are being productive and adding value? How to measure team and individual performance?

HugoDLopes commented 6 years ago

Personally speaking, I've worked before in a system where we had yearly performance reviews and individual assessments. We were a team of four aerospace engineers. I've to say that none of those assessments actually provided value for me or for our team. Yearly objectives were too broad and they focused too much on individual success when what we actually needed was to have a great team output.

So, I try to bring this personal (bad) experience and focus on team performance. As an R&D team, we need to make sure our outputs do not end up in a drawer (it happens more often than I like to admit). They cannot be too exotic, nor too simple. They must be right on the spot - to be used as internal tools (leveraging other's work) and/or integrated into our product.

I've seen some pretty bad evaluation metrics, that I think don't bring any value at all for a company. Tow of them for instance are:

Well, not having specific individual performance metrics does not mean that one member of the team can do sloppy work while others work hard. My main focus is to develop incentives and evaluation structures around the team, not the individual. Retrospectives on what's working and what's not allow everybody to take a dent on that and contribute to our team productivity rate.

Now, we have concrete team performance metrics, which are:

Frequent evaluation of the above metrics is key to understand if we're "doing our job". Presenting them to the full team also makes our work much more meaningful inside the company.

Finally, adding value is closely related with the team performance metrics, but sometimes (and unfortunately in my opinion) can be seen as more subjective. We know we are adding value when our new solution is presented at conferences of our field; data scientists from Financial Services team come to us asking questions about the new tool (or simply raise an issue on GitHub demonstrating they're using it); business development makes sure to include us in client meetings to present our new solutions; and the Product roadmap has prioritized our solution to be included next month.

donbonifacio commented 6 years ago

Thanks for you insights and for sharing your best practices. :) As a closing note: what kind of topics would you expect to see here on the blog about engineering management? And do you have someone to suggest for me to interview next?

HugoDLopes commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for the opportunity as well. It was a great experience to share my insights.

I check your blog very often and I've to say that I already learned a lot of things myself. As for topic suggestions for the future, I could recommend adding more success stories, but I think the more insightful ones are those about professional mistakes and lessons learned. People usually prefer to share where they succeeded. Check, for instance, scientific papers. You don't see many papers with the conclusion "To sum up, don't use this algorithm since it won't significantly improve your results". It does not sound catchy, right?

However, in my opinion, the times we learn the most are the ones we go against a wall. You usually never forget those moments. Sharing those experiences would let others avoid paths that most certainly lead to failure.

As a suggestion, I can recommend António Alegria which is Head of Artificial Intelligence at OutSystems. They are investing significantly in this field. Also, José Castro, which is now the VP of Engineering at James. He brought his huge experience from Sapo and Talkdesk to structure and grow our engineering team. He's a great magician as well :)

Thanks a lot again for the opportunity to be here, and I hope you have great success with your fantastic blog!