doniellekinchen / project-3-app

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Project Grow #2

Open doniellekinchen opened 8 months ago

doniellekinchen commented 8 months ago

:potted_plant: Grow - what is one area in your code that can be improved or what is already great, but could be enhanced? Why?

I think I could improve more on styling. I feel like my styling is a little basic. I did do research on other mental health wellness sites and I tried to mimic those as far as set up, but I feel like it's missing something.

I also want to implement a chatbot feature for when a user wants to chat with someone but not a real someone. I started off with the code for that and ending up scrapping it because of API issues.

Lastly, I mentioned this is grow, but I should have coded a back end for login authentication and to be able to create a more stable community inside the web application. The localhost usage is good, but the back end would have made this project a bit better.

SJDiggs commented 8 months ago

There were a few CSS text coloring issues that seemed to be a bi-product of the production deploy, but overall I felt the color palette used for your site was spot on. The main background color of beige and the use of sage-green for navigation coupled with the static image are non-intrusive and soothing. These are softer tones and I would recommend building off them for h1 and p tag content. There was one minor issue on the home page where the page jumps/bounces when the user receives a new question that is not the same amount of lines as the previous.