Hello. I just started learning Japanese, and right now I am still struggling with remembering/reading hiragana and katakana, as well as their pronunciation. I came across this great resource, so I extracted the data from the package and used it to make a simple web app that displays words with/without hiragana, katakana, furigana, and also includes sample sentences.
I am not making any money from this. There are no ads, no links to any external sites, no login required, and no tracking, etc. Later on, I might extend it to help me learn the meanings of words or sentences.
Is it OK to use it this way? If not, please let me know, and I will take it down. Thank you.
Hello. I just started learning Japanese, and right now I am still struggling with remembering/reading hiragana and katakana, as well as their pronunciation. I came across this great resource, so I extracted the data from the package and used it to make a simple web app that displays words with/without hiragana, katakana, furigana, and also includes sample sentences.
I have made it available online here: https://kaishi.wheretogo.in.th/.
I am not making any money from this. There are no ads, no links to any external sites, no login required, and no tracking, etc. Later on, I might extend it to help me learn the meanings of words or sentences.
Is it OK to use it this way? If not, please let me know, and I will take it down. Thank you.