donpark / html2jade

Converts HTML to Jade template. Not perfect but useful enough for non-daily conversions.
MIT License
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Please support IE conditional comments #117

Open Dan503 opened 7 years ago

Dan503 commented 7 years ago
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="ie8-scripts.js"></script><![endif]-->

converts into

//if lt IE 9

which converts into

<!--if lt IE 9script(src='ie8-scripts.js')-->

I think it just needs to literally output the html as is if it detects <!--[if and then ends the literal output when it finds <![endif]-->

donpark commented 7 years ago

thx for the bug report @Dan503. thought this was working before but apparently not now.

@aichholzer are you there? I've pinged you before but you haven't responded.

aichholzer commented 7 years ago

@donpark I am here, Github is not notifying me about anything, really strange. Coming back to this issue; I will address this. @Dan503 please note a complete new version of html2jade is on the way.