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neotree inconsistent fonts #451

Closed rphillips closed 6 years ago

rphillips commented 6 years ago

Observed behavior

The neotree window has a different font and size. Is this because of the unicode font within the frame?

Expected behavior

It would be nice to have a unified font between the neotree and main code frame.

Steps to reproduce

(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Fira Mono" :size 12)
      doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Fira Sans")
      doom-theme 'doom-molokai
      doom-big-font (font-spec :family "Fira Mono" :size 16))

screenshot from 2018-03-04 09-14-51

System information

Click to expand ``` - OS: gnu/linux (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) - Emacs: 25.3.1 (Sep 14, 2017) - Doom: 2.0.9 (develop - Graphic display: t (daemon: nil) - System features: XPM JPEG TIFF GIF PNG RSVG IMAGEMAGICK SOUND DBUS GCONF GSETTINGS NOTIFY ACL LIBSELINUX GNUTLS LIBXML2 FREETYPE M17N_FLT LIBOTF XFT ZLIB TOOLKIT_SCROLL_BARS GTK3 X11 MODULES XWIDGETS - Details: ```elisp modules: (:feature (eval nil) (evil nil) (file-templates nil) (lookup (+devdocs +docsets)) (services nil) (snippets nil) (spellcheck nil) (syntax-checker nil) (version-control nil) (workspaces nil) :completion (ivy nil) :ui (doom-dashboard nil) (doom-modeline nil) (doom-quit nil) (hl-todo nil) (nav-flash nil) (evil-goggles nil) (vi-tilde-fringe nil) (window-select nil) :tools (electric-indent nil) (eshell nil) (gist nil) (imenu nil) (impatient-mode nil) (make nil) (neotree nil) (password-store nil) (pdf nil) (rotate-text nil) (term nil) (tmux nil) (upload nil) :lang (cc nil) (crystal nil) (clojure nil) (csharp nil) (data nil) (elixir nil) (elm nil) (emacs-lisp nil) (ess nil) (go nil) (haskell (+intero)) (hy nil) (java (+meghanada)) (javascript nil) (julia nil) (latex nil) (ledger nil) (lua nil) (markdown nil) (ocaml nil) (org (+attach +babel +capture +export +present +publish)) (perl nil) (php nil) (plantuml nil) (purescript nil) (python nil) (rest nil) (ruby nil) (rust nil) (scala nil) (sh nil) (swift nil) (typescript nil) (web nil) :config (private nil)) packages: (ac-alchemist ace-link ace-window adaptive-wrap (alchemist :recipe (alchemist :fetcher github :repo hlissner/alchemist.el :files (:defaults *.exs alchemist-server))) all-the-icons anaconda-mode android-mode async auctex auth-password-store auto-compile auto-yasnippet avy (centered-window :recipe (centered-window :fetcher github :repo anler/centered-window-mode)) cider clj-refactor cmake-mode coffee-mode command-log-mode company company-anaconda company-auctex company-dict (company-glsl :recipe (company-glsl :fetcher github :repo Kaali/company-glsl)) company-go company-inf-ruby company-irony company-irony-c-headers company-lua company-php company-quickhelp company-racer company-restclient company-shell company-sourcekit company-statistics company-tern company-web counsel counsel-css counsel-dash counsel-projectile crystal-mode csharp-mode cuda-mode demangle-mode devdocs dired-k disaster dockerfile-mode doom-themes dumb-jump editorconfig elixir-mode elm-mode (emacs-snippets :recipe (emacs-snippets :fetcher github :repo hlissner/emacs-snippets :files (*))) emmet-mode ensime eslintd-fix ess ess-R-data-view ess-smart-equals evil evil-anzu evil-args evil-commentary evil-easymotion evil-embrace evil-escape evil-exchange evil-goggles evil-indent-plus evil-ledger evil-matchit evil-mc evil-multiedit evil-numbers evil-org evil-snipe evil-surround evil-textobj-anyblock evil-vimish-fold evil-visualstar (exec-path-from-shell :ignore t) expand-region flycheck flycheck-cask flycheck-crystal flycheck-elm flycheck-irony flycheck-ledger flycheck-perl6 flycheck-plantuml flycheck-popup-tip flycheck-pos-tip flycheck-rust flyspell flyspell-correct flyspell-correct-ivy fringe-helper gist git-gutter-fringe git-link git-timemachine gitconfig-mode gitignore-mode glsl-mode go-eldoc go-guru go-mode gorepl-mode groovy-mode haml-mode haskell-mode haxor-mode helpful hide-mode-line highlight-indentation highlight-numbers highlight-quoted hindent hl-todo htmlize hy-mode hydra imenu-anywhere imenu-list impatient-mode inf-crystal inf-ruby intero irony irony-eldoc ivy ivy-bibtex ivy-hydra ivy-rich ivy-rtags ivy-xref js2-mode js2-refactor json-mode julia-mode ledger-mode less-css-mode lua-mode macrostep magit makefile-executor markdown-mode markdown-toc meghanada merlin mips-mode modern-cpp-font-lock moonscript multi-term nasm-mode nav-flash neotree nlinum nlinum-hl nlinum-relative nodejs-repl nose ob-crystal ob-go ob-mongo ob-rust ob-sql-mode ob-translate omnisharp opencl-mode (org-bullets :recipe (org-bullets :fetcher github :repo Kaligule/org-bullets)) org-download org-plus-contrib org-tree-slide (osx-clipboard :ignore t) overseer ox-pandoc ox-reveal pass password-store pcre2el pdf-tools perl6-mode persistent-soft persp-mode php-boris (php-extras :recipe (php-extras :fetcher github :repo arnested/php-extras)) php-mode php-refactor-mode phpunit pip-requirements plantuml-mode prodigy projectile psc-ide pug-mode purescript-mode quelpa quickrun racer rainbow-delimiters rainbow-mode rake restclient rjsx-mode (rotate-text :recipe (rotate-text :fetcher github :repo debug-ito/rotate-text.el)) rspec-mode rtags ruby-refactor rust-mode sass-mode sbt-mode scala-mode shackle shader-mode shrink-path skewer-mode slime smart-forward smartparens smex solaire-mode ssh-deploy stylus-mode swift-mode swiper tern tide toc-org toml-mode tuareg typescript-mode undo-tree use-package vi-tilde-fringe vimrc-mode visual-fill-column web-beautify web-mode wgrep which-key xref-js2 yaml-mode yard-mode yasnippet) elc dirs: (core/ core/autoload/ modules/completion/company/ modules/completion/ivy/autoload/ modules/completion/ivy/ modules/config/default/autoload/ modules/config/default/ modules/config/private/ modules/feature/eval/autoload/ modules/feature/eval/ modules/feature/evil/autoload/ modules/feature/evil/ modules/feature/file-templates/templates/java-mode/ modules/feature/file-templates/ modules/feature/lookup/autoload/ modules/feature/lookup/ modules/feature/popup/ modules/feature/services/ modules/feature/snippets/autoload/ modules/feature/snippets/ modules/feature/spellcheck/ modules/feature/syntax-checker/ modules/feature/version-control/ modules/feature/workspaces/autoload/ modules/feature/workspaces/ modules/lang/assembly/ modules/lang/cc/ modules/lang/clojure/ modules/lang/crystal/ modules/lang/csharp/ modules/lang/data/ modules/lang/elixir/ modules/lang/elm/ modules/lang/emacs-lisp/ modules/lang/ess/ modules/lang/go/ modules/lang/haskell/ modules/lang/hy/ modules/lang/java/ modules/lang/javascript/ modules/lang/julia/ modules/lang/latex/ modules/lang/ledger/ modules/lang/lua/ modules/lang/markdown/ modules/lang/ocaml/ modules/lang/org/autoload/ modules/lang/org/ modules/lang/perl/ modules/lang/php/ modules/lang/plantuml/ modules/lang/purescript/ modules/lang/python/ modules/lang/rest/ modules/lang/ruby/ modules/lang/rust/ modules/lang/scala/ modules/lang/sh/ modules/lang/swift/ modules/lang/typescript/ modules/lang/web/autoload/ modules/lang/web/ modules/tools/dired/ modules/tools/electric-indent/ modules/tools/eshell/autoload/ modules/tools/eshell/ modules/tools/gist/autoload/ modules/tools/gist/ modules/tools/imenu/ modules/tools/impatient-mode/ modules/tools/make/ modules/tools/neotree/ modules/tools/password-store/ modules/tools/pdf/ modules/tools/rotate-text/ modules/tools/term/ modules/tools/tmux/autoload/ modules/tools/upload/ modules/ui/doom-dashboard/ modules/ui/doom-modeline/ modules/ui/doom-quit/ modules/ui/doom/ modules/ui/evil-goggles/ modules/ui/hl-todo/ modules/ui/nav-flash/ modules/ui/vi-tilde-fringe/ modules/ui/window-select/) exec-path: (/home/rphillips/.cargo/bin /home/rphillips/.local/bin /usr/local/go/bin /home/rphillips/work/go/src/ /home/rphillips/.cargo/bin /home/rphillips/work/go/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /home/rphillips/bin /usr/libexec/emacs/25.3/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) ``` ```
fuxialexander commented 6 years ago

(setq doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch nil)

hlissner commented 6 years ago

This is an intentional (but optional) feature of the doom-themes plugin, which is enabled by default in Doom. The decision was inspired by Atom's sidebar:

screenshot of atom

Follow @fuxialexander's advice to disable it.

rphillips commented 6 years ago

thank you for the tip!