doshidak / showdex

Pokémon Showdown extension that harnesses the power of parabolic calculus to strategically extract your opponents' Elo.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: HP Autoupdate for honkdex #213

Open pokemonlover1234 opened 1 month ago

pokemonlover1234 commented 1 month ago

During battles that involve the pokemon in Honkdexes, I'd like to see the current HP populate into the honkdex like it does in calcdex, assuming the current honkdex aligns with the pokemon in the battle. In situations where the pokemon don't align (for example, honk sets are a box or aren't exactly the same teams, or there are multiple of the same mon), it might be easier to show a warning or only sync the matching cases. It's also possible that this use case isn't prominent enough to justify adding it to showdex. I'm part of a community that does battles with partially revealed sets that I like to import into honkdexes to make calcing more accurate, and this suggestion is to make that use case more convenient.

doshidak commented 2 weeks ago

hiya! sorry for the late reply, been busy af. but thanks for your great suggestion! c:

hmm that's definitely possible, tho there are the concerns of the big lag when on each battle sync, in addition to the battle's Calcdex, all Pokémon in each applicable Honk (i.e., a single Honkdex instance, whether saved or not) would need to be checked, since unlike the Calcdex, Pokémon data in a Honk are completely decoupled from battles.

I'm thinking what'd be more ideal is to keep all the syncing within the Calcdex, but to provide the functionality you're using the Honkdex for in the Calcdex. (& if it's not possible, then we can figure things out from there haha.)

but to help me get a better sense of your use case:

lmk too if I missed anything that might be helpful! thanks again c:

pokemonlover1234 commented 2 weeks ago

For my specific use case,

1) I know the partial sets for specific pokemon beforehand, but for others I wouldnt. It depends on which are "revealed" (used in a prior battle in the "series")

For those I don't know, I generally just use one of the smogon sets as a placeholder.

2) Yes, we use Team Preview

3) Generally, I fill in all of my opponents owned Pokemon (we can own over 6, can only bring 6 to battle), using known partial sets (in this case, I would know IVs, EVs, 1-3 moves, Level and Nature, but not the other moves or held item) for the ones I know and some smogon set for others. When the battle preview is revealed, I delete the mons not involved from the honkdex.

4) Yes. While a given player in my use case cannot own dupes, if I'm using one of the same Pokemon as my opponent they would have different sets.

Last bit of info: The "revealed" sets are provided as Pokepastes I import directly into the Honkdex generally. I usually dont import into Teambuilder unless Im running a battle using that team for whatever reason (sometimes one of us "pilots" someone who cant attend a battle for irl reasons). But in that case I would still complete my own sets and my opponent would still be partial sets, so it doesnt really change anything unless I fight that same team in the future using my own team.