dotansimha / graphql-code-generator-community

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Generate TS SDK with boolean specifiers that generates query document at runtime? #163

Open dotansimha opened 2 years ago

dotansimha commented 2 years ago

Note: this is an experiment

  user: { id: true, name: true, profile: { age: true }}

for union/interface:

    search({ term: ".." }) => ({
        __User: { name: true },
        __Node: { id: true }


n1ru4l commented 2 years ago

it is totally possible, that an object type has a __User or __Node field. Maybe we should use symbols instead?

    search({ term: ".." }) => ({
        [sdk.type.User]: { name: true),
        [sdk.type.Node]: { id: true }

Alternative API with spread usage that "resembles" inline fragment spreads within graphql documents.

    search({ term: ".." }) => ({
        ...sdk.on.User({ name: true }), // this function resturns { [sdk.type.User]: { name: true } }
        ...sdk.on.Node({ id: true })