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notes on editor possisbilities #2

Open lytico opened 4 years ago

lytico commented 4 years ago


draft over xwt & skia:

Proposal: merge mkrueger-crossplattform into microsoft/vs-editor & adopt to use GtkSharp/GtkSharp


knuxbbs commented 4 years ago

As mentioned in #6, we should abandon WPF support in favor of a cross-platform GUI, like GTK.

So, a Xwt' GTK3 implementation is the way to go, isn't it?

lytico commented 4 years ago

it could be impossible to implement vs-editor over gkt3.

so, eventually, AvalonEdit would be an alternativ and, of cause, the legacy monodevelop editor with newer language features even vs-code-editor, embedded somehow in md (or dd nowerdays ;-) ) could be an option

but before it's not compiling, we can't experiment around and try out the other options

knuxbbs commented 4 years ago

I will close this issue in favour of #9.

lytico commented 4 years ago

please, let it somewhere as a gathering of different possibilities and notes

its more specific than architecture

lytico commented 4 years ago

maybe move things like this to the wiki?

lytico commented 4 years ago

md-mac uses this as editor-backend:

its GPL 3, intresting!

lytico commented 4 years ago


FlaviusHouk commented 4 years ago

Why not to stick with GtkSourceView?

Dadoum commented 3 years ago

Did someone managed to build Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.Implementation.CrossPlatform ?