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Enable local auth for service bus #5747

Open Steinblock opened 4 days ago

Steinblock commented 4 days ago

Background and Motivation

The Aspire.Hosting.Azure.ServiceBus integration


disables local auth

    public static IResourceBuilder<AzureServiceBusResource> AddAzureServiceBus(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, string name, Action<IResourceBuilder<AzureServiceBusResource>, ResourceModuleConstruct, ServiceBusNamespace>? configureResource)

        var configureConstruct = (ResourceModuleConstruct construct) =>
            serviceBusNamespace.AssignProperty(p => p.DisableLocalAuth, "true");
            configureResource?.Invoke(azureResourceBuilder, construct, serviceBusNamespace);

but I need local auth for my KEDA scale rule on a different container.

The documentation is a bit outdated since it mentions this way to configure azure service bus

    static settings => settings.FullyQualifiedNamespace = "YOUR_SERVICE_BUS_NAMESPACE");

but there is only the AddAzureServiceBus(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, string name, Action<IResourceBuilder<AzureServiceBusResource>, ResourceModuleConstruct, ServiceBusNamespace>? configureResource) overload. If I use this code

builder.AddAzureServiceBus("messaging", (builder, construct, serviceBusNamespace) =>
            serviceBusNamespace.Properties.DisableLocalAuth = false;

that does not work. I'm not sure how AssignProperty works because if I set a breakpoint inside the configureResource the serviceBusNamespace.Properties.DisableLocalAuth is still null. After azd up local auth is still disabled. I guess the AssignProperty works different. But if I use this myself

builder.AddAzureServiceBus("messaging", (builder, construct, serviceBusNamespace) =>
            serviceBusNamespace.AssignProperty(p => p.DisableLocalAuth, "false");

I get an error during deployment

  (✓) Done: Resource group: rg-production
  (✓) Done: Log Analytics workspace: law-08154711
  (✓) Done: Key Vault: kvd08154711
  (✓) Done: Container Registry: acr08154711
  (✓) Done: Container Apps Environment: cae-08154711
  |=      | Creating/Updating resources
ERROR: error executing step command 'provision': deployment failed: error deploying infrastructure: deploying to subscription:

Deployment Error Details:
DotNetComponentOperationError: Failed to provision component 'aspire-dashboard'. Error details: Cannot modify DotNet Component with name 'aspire-dashboard' because another modification is in progress..

TraceID: 08154711

Local Auth is needed for development as well

var serviceBus = builder.ExecutionContext.IsPublishMode
    ? builder.AddAzureServiceBus("messaging")
    : builder.AddConnectionString("messaging"); <-- needs local auth

otherwise you'll get errors like this

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: 'LocalAuthDisabled: Authorization failed because SAS authentication has been disabled for the namespace. TrackingId:08154711, SystemTracker:NoSystemTracker, Timestamp:2024-09-17T06:11:38
Status: 401 (Unauthorized)

Currently I am using a post deploy hook and az servicebus namespace update to reenable it but it would be great to have an way to do this with c#

Proposed API

Bring back the settings overload mentioned here

Usage Examples

    static settings => settings.DisaDisableLocalAuth = false);

Alternative Designs

use the fluent interface



        .WithProperty(ServiceBusProperty.DisableLocalAuth, false)

or (but that's in the scope of the aspire team)

make KEDA scale rules available without local auth


I'm not 100% certain but the default a while back was local auth enabled by default Now it's disabled by default which is propably a good thing. But being able to enable local auth should be possible.

davidfowl commented 4 days ago
