Open wassim-k opened 1 year ago
Hello @adityamandaleeka, These bugs were planned to be fixed in the 7.1.1 version, but the currently released version is 7.2.1. Is it planned to fix these in the next versions?
This issue results in missing stream message. It seems to get reproduced if your stream has message send gaps longer then StreamInactivityPeriod that is 30 min by default.
It seems that after stream deactivation due to inactivity next message will not reactivate it, it will move the cursor but be purged (see DataMaxAgeInCache), message after activates it but fails due to missing message in cache.
Tried workaround: to set StreamInactivityPeriod to multiple days (to be sure that all streams are always active, its ok in our case) - helps with test code above but doesn't work in real app
We've encounted
in production where it happens infrequently and at seemingly random times. I've managed to replicate it in the test code below, by basically taking the default configuration for streams and dividing it by 300s in order to maintain the original ratio.