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Add support System.Numerics.Vectors types with double precision #24168

Open jkotas opened 7 years ago

jkotas commented 7 years ago

The approved API is here:

Due to the size of the approved surface area, it is being split into multiple sections for people who want to help implement it. You can see for more details

Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Matrix3x2, Matrix4x4, Plane, Quaternion are currently implemented with single precission numbers. Theare are requests (above) and some miror implementations of System.Numerics.* can be found across Internet where double is supported.

These classes should support float and double precission and maybe in future more types. One of possile solution is to miror them as generics with support for both double and single precission numbers.

Rationale and Usage

This is request that developers ask about, one of usages is CAD software.

For example, to use Vector3 and Matrix4x4 with double precission we will be able to write:

var v1 = new Vector3<double>(4,5,4);
var v2 = new Vector3<double>(1,3,2);
double d = Vector3<double>.Dot(v1, v2);

Matrix4x4<double> xRot = Matrix4x4<double>.CreateTranslation(v1);
Vector3<double> tr = Vector3<double>.Transform(v2,xRot);

Proposed API (mirrored from Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Matrix3x2, Matrix4x4, Plane)

The following APIs are duplicates of the existing float based APIs, but with float replaced with T to allow for float, double, and in the future System.Half.

File Vector2OfT.cs

public partial struct Vector2<T> : IEquatable<Vector2<T>>, IFormattable
    public static Vector2<T> Zero { get; }

    public static Vector2<T> One { get; }

    public static Vector2<T> UnitX { get; }

    public static Vector2<T> UnitY { get; }

    public override int GetHashCode();

    public override bool Equals(object obj);

    public override string ToString();

    public string ToString(string format);

    public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);

    public T Length();

    public T LengthSquared();

    public static T Distance(Vector2<T> value1, Vector2<T> value2);

    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector2<T> value1, Vector2<T> value2);

    public static Vector2<T> Normalize(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> Reflect(Vector2<T> vector, Vector2<T> normal);

    public static Vector2<T> Clamp(Vector2<T> value1, Vector2<T> min, Vector2<T> max);

    public static Vector2<T> Lerp(Vector2<T> value1, Vector2<T> value2, T amount);

    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Matrix3x2<T> matrix);

    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector2<T> TransformNormal(Vector2<T> normal, Matrix3x2<T> matrix);

    public static Vector2<T> TransformNormal(Vector2<T> normal, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation);

    public static Vector2<T> Add(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Subtract(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(Vector2<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(T left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Divide(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Divide(Vector2<T> left, T divisor);

    public static Vector2<T> Negate(Vector2<T> value);

File Vector2_IntrinsicsOfT.cs

public partial struct Vector2<T>
    public T X;

    public T Y;

    public Vector2(T value);

    public Vector2(T x, T y);

    public void CopyTo(T[] array);

    public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);

    public bool Equals(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> other);

    public static T Dot(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value1, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value2);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> Min(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value1, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value2);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> Max(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value1, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value2);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> Abs(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> SquareRoot(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator +(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> left, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> right);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator -(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> left, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> right);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator *(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> left, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> right);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator *(T left, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> right);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator *(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> left, T right);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator /(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> left, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> right);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator /(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value1, T value2);

    public static global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> operator -(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> value);

    public static bool operator ==(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> left, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> right);

    public static bool operator !=(global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> left, global::System.Numerics.Vector2<T> right);

    public static explicit operator Vector2<T>(Vector2 value);

File Vector3OfT.cs

public partial struct Vector3<T> : IEquatable<Vector3<T>>, IFormattable
    public static Vector3<T> Zero { get; }

    public static Vector3<T> One { get; }

    public static Vector3<T> UnitX { get; }

    public static Vector3<T> UnitY { get; }

    public static Vector3<T> UnitZ { get; }

    public override int GetHashCode();

    public override bool Equals(object obj);

    public override string ToString();

    public string ToString(string format);

    public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);

    public T Length();

    public T LengthSquared();

    public static T Distance(Vector3<T> value1, Vector3<T> value2);

    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector3<T> value1, Vector3<T> value2);

    public static Vector3<T> Normalize(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> Cross(Vector3<T> vector1, Vector3<T> vector2);

    public static Vector3<T> Reflect(Vector3<T> vector, Vector3<T> normal);

    public static Vector3<T> Clamp(Vector3<T> value1, Vector3<T> min, Vector3<T> max);

    public static Vector3<T> Lerp(Vector3<T> value1, Vector3<T> value2, T amount);

    public static Vector3<T> Transform(Vector3<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector3<T> TransformNormal(Vector3<T> normal, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector3<T> Transform(Vector3<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation);

    public static Vector3<T> Add(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Subtract(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(Vector3<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(T left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Divide(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Divide(Vector3<T> left, T divisor);

    public static Vector3<T> Negate(Vector3<T> value);

File Vector3_IntrinsicsOfT.cs

public partial struct Vector3<T>
    public T X;

    public T Y;

    public T Z;

    public Vector3(T value);

    public Vector3(Vector2<T> value, T z);

    public Vector3(T x, T y, T z);

    public void CopyTo(T[] array);

    public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);

    public bool Equals(Vector3<T> other);

    public static T Dot(Vector3<T> vector1, Vector3<T> vector2);

    public static Vector3<T> Min(Vector3<T> value1, Vector3<T> value2);

    public static Vector3<T> Max(Vector3<T> value1, Vector3<T> value2);

    public static Vector3<T> Abs(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> SquareRoot(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> operator +(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator -(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(Vector3<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(T left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator /(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator /(Vector3<T> value1, T value2);

    public static Vector3<T> operator -(Vector3<T> value);

    public static bool operator ==(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static bool operator !=(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static explicit operator Vector3<T>(Vector3 value);

File Vector4OfT.cs

public partial struct Vector4<T> : IEquatable<Vector4<T>>, IFormattable
    public static Vector4<T> Zero { get; }

    public static Vector4<T> One { get; }

    public static Vector4<T> UnitX { get; }

    public static Vector4<T> UnitY { get ; }

    public static Vector4<T> UnitZ { get; }

    public static Vector4<T> UnitW { get; };

    public override int GetHashCode();

    public override bool Equals(object obj);

    public override string ToString();

    public string ToString(string format);

    public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);

    public T Length();

    public T LengthSquared();

    public static T Distance(Vector4<T> value1, Vector4<T> value2);

    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector4<T> value1, Vector4<T> value2);

    public static Vector4<T> Normalize(Vector4<T> vector);

    public static Vector4<T> Clamp(Vector4<T> value1, Vector4<T> min, Vector4<T> max);

    public static Vector4<T> Lerp(Vector4<T> value1, Vector4<T> value2, T amount);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector3<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector4<T> vector, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector2<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector3<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector4<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation);

    public static Vector4<T> Add(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Subtract(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(Vector4<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(T left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Divide(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Divide(Vector4<T> left, T divisor);

    public static Vector4<T> Negate(Vector4<T> value);

File Vector4OfT_Intrinsics.cs

public partial struct Vector4<T>
    public T X;

    public T Y;

    public T Z;

    public T W;

    public Vector4(T value);

    public Vector4(T x, T y, T z, T w);

    public Vector4(Vector2<T> value, T z, T w);

    public Vector4(Vector3<T> value, T w);

    public void CopyTo(T[] array);

    public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);

    public bool Equals(Vector4<T> other);

    public static T Dot(Vector4<T> vector1, Vector4<T> vector2);

    public static Vector4<T> Min(Vector4<T> value1, Vector4<T> value2);

    public static Vector4<T> Max(Vector4<T> value1, Vector4<T> value2);

    public static Vector4<T> Abs(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> SquareRoot(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> operator +(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator -(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(Vector4<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(T left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator /(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator /(Vector4<T> value1, T value2);

    public static Vector4<T> operator -(Vector4<T> value);

    public static bool operator ==(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static bool operator !=(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static explicit operator Vector4<T>(Vector4 value);

File Matrix3x2OfT.cs

public struct Matrix3x2<T> : IEquatable<Matrix3x2<T>>
    public T M11;

    public T M12;

    public T M21;

    public T M22;

    public T M31;

    public T M32;

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Identity { get; }

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    public Vector2<T> Translation { get; set; }

    public Matrix3x2(T m11, T m12, T m21, T m22, T m31, T m32);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateTranslation(Vector2<T> position);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateTranslation(T xPosition, T yPosition);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T xScale, T yScale);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T xScale, T yScale, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(Vector2<T> scales);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(Vector2<T> scales, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scale);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scale, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateSkew(T radiansX, T radiansY);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateSkew(T radiansX, T radiansY, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateRotation(T radians);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateRotation(T radians, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public T GetDeterminant();

    public static bool Invert(Matrix3x2<T> matrix, out Matrix3x2<T> result);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Lerp(Matrix3x2<T> matrix1, Matrix3x2<T> matrix2, T amount);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Negate(Matrix3x2<T> value);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Add(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Subtract(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Multiply(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Multiply(Matrix3x2<T> value1, T value2);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator -(Matrix3x2<T> value);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator +(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator -(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator *(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator *(Matrix3x2<T> value1, T value2);

    public static bool operator ==(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public static bool operator !=(Matrix3x2<T> value1, Matrix3x2<T> value2);

    public bool Equals(Matrix3x2<T> other);

    public override bool Equals(object obj);

    public override string ToString();

    public override int GetHashCode();

    public static explicit operator Matrix3x2<T>(Matrix3x2 value);

File Matrix4x4ofT.cs

public struct Matrix4x4<T> : IEquatable<Matrix4x4<T>>
    public T M11;

    public T M12;

    public T M13;

    public T M14;

    public T M21;

    public T M22;

    public T M23;

    public T M24;

    public T M31;

    public T M32;

    public T M33;

    public T M34;

    public T M41;

    public T M42;

    public T M43;

    public T M44;

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Identity { get; }

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    public Vector3<T> Translation { get; set; }

    public Matrix4x4(T m11, T m12, T m13, T m14, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m24, T m31, T m32, T m33, T m34, T m41, T m42, T m43, T m44);

    public Matrix4x4(Matrix3x2<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateBillboard(Vector3<T> objectPosition, Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> cameraUpVector, Vector3<T> cameraForwardVector);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateConstrainedBillboard(Vector3<T> objectPosition, Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> rotateAxis, Vector3<T> cameraForwardVector, Vector3<T> objectForwardVector);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateTranslation(Vector3<T> position);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateTranslation(T xPosition, T yPosition, T zPosition);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T xScale, T yScale, T zScale);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T xScale, T yScale, T zScale, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(Vector3<T> scales);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(Vector3<T> scales, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scale);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scale, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationX(T radians);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationX(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationY(T radians);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationY(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationZ(T radians);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationZ(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(T fieldOfView, T aspectRatio, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreatePerspective(T width, T height, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateOrthographic(T width, T height, T zNearPlane, T zFarPlane);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateOrthographicOffCenter(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T zNearPlane, T zFarPlane);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateLookAt(Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> cameraTarget, Vector3<T> cameraUpVector);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateWorld(Vector3<T> position, Vector3<T> forward, Vector3<T> up);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion<T> quaternion);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateFromYawPitchRoll(T yaw, T pitch, T roll);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateShadow(Vector3<T> lightDirection, Plane<T> plane);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateReflection(Plane<T> value);

    public T GetDeterminant();

    public static bool Invert(Matrix4x4<T> matrix, out Matrix4x4<T> result);

    public static bool Decompose(Matrix4x4<T> matrix, out Vector3<T> scale, out Quaternion<T> rotation, out Vector3<T> translation);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Transform(Matrix4x4<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Transpose(Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Lerp(Matrix4x4<T> matrix1, Matrix4x4<T> matrix2, T amount);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Negate(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Add(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Subtract(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Multiply(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Multiply(Matrix4x4<T> value1, T value2);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator -(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator +(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator -(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator *(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator *(Matrix4x4<T> value1, T value2);

    public static bool operator ==(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public static bool operator !=(Matrix4x4<T> value1, Matrix4x4<T> value2);

    public bool Equals(Matrix4x4<T> other);

    public override bool Equals(object obj);

    public override string ToString();

    public override int GetHashCode();

    public static explicit operator Matrix4x4<T>(Matrix4x4 value);

File PlaneOfT.cs

public struct Plane<T> : IEquatable<Plane<T>>
    public Vector3<T> Normal;

    public T D;

    public Plane(T x, T y, T z, T d);

    public Plane(Vector3<T> normal, T d);

    public Plane(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Plane<T> CreateFromVertices(Vector3<T> point1, Vector3<T> point2, Vector3<T> point3);

    public static Plane<T> Normalize(Plane<T> value);

    public static Plane<T> Transform(Plane<T> plane, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Plane<T> Transform(Plane<T> plane, Quaternion<T> rotation);

    public static T Dot(Plane<T> plane, Vector4<T> value);

    public static T DotCoordinate(Plane<T> plane, Vector3<T> value);

    public static T DotNormal(Plane<T> plane, Vector3<T> value);

    public static bool operator ==(Plane<T> value1, Plane<T> value2);

    public static bool operator !=(Plane<T> value1, Plane<T> value2);

    public bool Equals(Plane<T> other);

    public override bool Equals(object obj);

    public override string ToString();

    public override int GetHashCode();

    public static explicit operator Plane<T>(Plane value);

File QuaternionOfT.cs

public struct Quaternion<T> : IEquatable<Quaternion<T>>
    public T X;

    public T Y;

    public T Z;

    public T W;

    public static Quaternion<T> Identity { get; }

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    public Quaternion(T x, T y, T z, T w);

    public Quaternion(Vector3<T> vectorPart, T scalarPart);

    public T Length();

    public T LengthSquared();

    public static Quaternion<T> Normalize(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T> Conjugate(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T> Inverse(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T> CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle);

    public static Quaternion<T> CreateFromYawPitchRoll(T yaw, T pitch, T roll);

    public static Quaternion<T> CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static T Dot(Quaternion<T> quaternion1, Quaternion<T> quaternion2);

    public static Quaternion<T> Slerp(Quaternion<T> quaternion1, Quaternion<T> quaternion2, T amount);

    public static Quaternion<T> Lerp(Quaternion<T> quaternion1, Quaternion<T> quaternion2, T amount);

    public static Quaternion<T> Concatenate(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> Negate(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T> Add(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> Subtract(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> Multiply(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> Multiply(Quaternion<T> value1, T value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> Divide(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator -(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator +(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator -(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator *(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator *(Quaternion<T> value1, T value2);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator /(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static bool operator ==(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public static bool operator !=(Quaternion<T> value1, Quaternion<T> value2);

    public bool Equals(Quaternion<T> other);

    public override bool Equals(object obj);

    public override string ToString();

    public override int GetHashCode();

    public static explicit operator Quaternion<T>(Quaternion value);

class Vector2 extended with:

public static implicit operator Vector2(Vector2<double> value);
public static implicit operator Vector2(Vector2<float> value);

class Vector3 extended with:

public static implicit operator Vector3(Vector3<double> value);
public static implicit operator Vector3(Vector3<float> value);

class Vector4 extended with:

public static implicit operator Vector4(Vector4<double> value);
public static implicit operator Vector4(Vector4<float> value);

class Matrix3x2 extended with:

public static implicit operator Matrix3x2(Matrix3x2<double> value);
public static implicit operator Matrix3x2(Matrix3x2<float> value);

class Matrix4x4 extended with:

public static implicit operator Matrix4x4(Matrix4x4<double> value);
public static implicit operator Matrix4x4(Matrix4x4<float> value);

class Quaternion extended with:

public static implicit operator Quaternion(Quaternion<double> value);
public static implicit operator Quaternion(Quaternion<float> value);

class Plane extended with:

public static implicit operator Plane(Plane<double> value);
public static implicit operator Plane(Plane<float> value);

Original Text

From @acecebov on August 25, 2017 16:50

Add support System.Numerics.Vectors types with double precision: Vector2d, Vector3d, Vector4d, Matrix3x2d, Matrix4x4d, PlaneD, QuaternionD.

There are lots of scientific/gaming cases when we want to work with double precision and benefit of SIMD!

Copied from original issue: dotnet/coreclr#13591

maryamariyan commented 4 years ago

Removing untriaged label as it is labeled as "api-ready-for-review" cc: area owners: @tannergooding @pgovind

Perksey commented 4 years ago

I have added an additional proposal at #35980 which continues to expand the System.Numerics APIs with other types that add other missing features and types that other maths libraries have. This proposal is based off of this one.

prollin commented 4 years ago

Stumbled upon this while looking for a Vector3 for other types (int, double)

Is there any traction with introducing int2/int3/int4/float2/float3/float4/double2/double3/double4 as builtin types as mentioned by @xoofx above? Since there is usually a corresponding SIMD type, it would make a lot of sense to treat them as builtin types. It would also greatly simplify the .NET API surface for math stuff.

I am curious what would be the process for such proposal.

tannergooding commented 4 years ago

In preparation for the API review this coming Thursday (11th of June), I simplified the proposal into each individual type being proposed (rather than mirroring the existing file structure).

The proposal is ultimately still the same, but it adds a couple of missing APIs (namely around Span<T> and ReadOnlySpan<T>) and calls out some notes.

For example, the existing types expose the fields publicly which goes against the normal .NET Framework Design Guidelines. Exposing these as properties better fits the general guidelines and allows later tweaks to the layout (such as for Plane or Quaternion) if that is beneficial. The remaining question would be if this should be fully readonly and have a wither or if it should be the only mutable method and have a setter

Additionally there are cases like Length() which are currently methods but which may be better suited as properties.


public struct Vector2<T> : IEquatable<Vector2<T>>, IFormattable
    where T : struct
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector2 WithX(T value), or be a public field like Vector2
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector2 WithY(T value), or be a public field like Vector2

    // Constructors

    public Vector2(T value);
    public Vector2(T x, T y);

    public Vector2(T[] value);              // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public Vector2(T[] value, int offset);  // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public Vector2(ReadOnlySpan<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector2

    // Static Properties

    public static Vector2<T> One { get; }
    public static Vector2<T> UnitX { get; }
    public static Vector2<T> UnitY { get; }
    public static Vector2<T> Zero { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator +(Vector2<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public static Vector2<T> operator -(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> operator +(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> operator -(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator *(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> operator /(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator *(Vector2<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector2<T> operator /(Vector2<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator *(T left, Vector2<T> right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Vector2<T>     Plus(Vector2<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public static Vector2<T>   Negate(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T>      Add(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> Subtract(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T>   Divide(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(Vector2<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector2<T>   Divide(Vector2<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(T left, Vector2<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Vector2<T> Abs(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> Clamp(Vector2<T> value, Vector2<T> min, Vector2<T> max);

    public static T        Distance(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static T Dot(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Lerp(Vector2<T> min, Vector<T> max, T amount);

    public static Vector2<T> Min(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> Max(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Normalize(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> Reflect(Vector2<T> incident, Vector2<T> normal);

    public static Vector2<T> SquareRoot(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Matrix3x2<T>  matrix);
    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Matrix4x4<T>  matrix);

    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Quaternion<T> rotation); // Rotate is a better name?

    public static Vector2<T> TransformNormal(Vector2<T> normal, Matrix3x2<T> matrix);
    public static Vector2<T> TransformNormal(Vector2<T> normal, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    // Methods

    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array);
    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
    public readonly void CopyTo(Span<T> destination);   // Doesn't exist for Vector2

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Vector2<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    public readonly string ToString(string format);
    public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);


public struct Vector3<T> : IEquatable<Vector3<T>>, IFormattable
    where T : struct
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3 WithX(T value), or be a public field like Vector3
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3 WithY(T value), or be a public field like Vector3
    public T Z { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3 WithZ(T value), or be a public field like Vector3

    // Constructors

    public Vector3(T value);
    public Vector3(T x, T y, T z);
    public Vector3(Vector2<T> value, T z);

    public Vector3(T[] value);              // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public Vector3(T[] value, int offset);  // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public Vector3(ReadOnlySpan<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector3

    // Static Properties

    public static Vector3<T> One { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> UnitX { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> UnitY { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> UnitZ { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> Zero { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator +(Vector3<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public static Vector3<T> operator -(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> operator +(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> operator -(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> operator /(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(Vector3<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector3<T> operator /(Vector3<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(T left, Vector3<T> right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Vector3<T>     Plus(Vector3<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public static Vector3<T>   Negate(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T>      Add(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> Subtract(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T>   Divide(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(Vector3<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector3<T>   Divide(Vector3<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(T left, Vector3<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Vector3<T> Abs(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> Clamp(Vector3<T> value, Vector3<T> min, Vector3<T> max);

    public static T        Distance(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3 Cross(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static T         Dot(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Lerp(Vector3<T> min, Vector<T> max, T amount);

    public static Vector3<T> Min(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> Max(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Normalize(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> Reflect(Vector3<T> incident, Vector3<T> normal);

    public static Vector3<T> SquareRoot(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> Transform(Vector3<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector3<T> Transform(Vector3<T> position, Quaternion<T> rotation);    // Rotate is a better name?

    public static Vector3<T> TransformNormal(Vector3<T> normal, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    // Methods

    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array);
    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
    public readonly void CopyTo(Span<T> destination);   // Doesn't exist for Vector3

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Vector3<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    public readonly string ToString(string format);
    public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);


public struct Vector4<T> : IEquatable<Vector4<T>>, IFormattable
    where T : struct
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithX(T value), or be a public field like Vector4
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithY(T value), or be a public field like Vector4
    public T Z { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithZ(T value), or be a public field like Vector4
    public T W { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithW(T value), or be a public field like Vector4

    // Constructors

    public Vector4(T value);
    public Vector4(T x, T y, T z, T w);
    public Vector4(Vector2<T> value, T z, T, w);
    public Vector4(Vector3<T> value, T, w);

    public Vector4(T[] value);              // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public Vector4(T[] value, int offset);  // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public Vector4(ReadOnlySpan<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector4

    // Static Properties

    public static Vector4<T> One { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitX { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitY { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitZ { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitW { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> Zero { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator +(Vector4<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public static Vector4<T> operator -(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> operator +(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> operator -(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> operator /(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(Vector4<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector4<T> operator /(Vector4<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(T left, Vector4<T> right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Vector4<T>     Plus(Vector4<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public static Vector4<T>   Negate(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T>      Add(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> Subtract(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T>   Divide(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(Vector4<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector4<T>   Divide(Vector4<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(T left, Vector4<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Vector4<T> Abs(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> Clamp(Vector4<T> value, Vector4<T> min, Vector4<T> max);

    public static T        Distance(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static T Dot(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Lerp(Vector4<T> min, Vector<T> max, T amount);

    public static Vector4<T> Min(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> Max(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Normalize(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> SquareRoot(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector4<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector4<T> position, Quaternion<T> rotation); // Rotate is a better name?

    // Methods

    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array);
    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
    public readonly void CopyTo(Span<T> destination);   // Doesn't exist for Vector4

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Vector4<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    public readonly string ToString(string format);
    public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);


public struct Plane<T> : IEquatable<Plane<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T          Distance { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a T          WithDistance(T          value), or be a public field like Plan
    public Vector3<T>   Normal { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3<T>   WithNormal(Vector3<T> value), or be a public field like Plan

    // Constructors

    public Plane(T x, T y, T z, T distance);
    public Plane(Vector3<T> normal, T distance);
    public Plane(Vector4<T> value);

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Plane<T> left, Plane<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Plane<T> left, Plane<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Plane<T> CreateFromVertices(Vector3<T> point1, Vector3<T> point2, Vector3<T> point3); // CreateFromPoints is a better name?

    public static T           Dot(Plane<T> left, Vector4<T> right);     // DotProduct is a better name?
    public static T DotCoordinate(Plane<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static T     DotNormal(Plane<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Plane<T> Normalize(Plane<T> value);

    public static Plane<T> Transform(Plane<T> plane, Matrix4x4<T>  matrix);
    public static Plane<T> Transform(Plane<T> plane, Quaternion<T> matrix); // Rotate is a better name?

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Plane<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);


public struct Quaternion<T> : IEquatable<Quaternion<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithX(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithY(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion
    public T Z { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithZ(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion
    public T W { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithW(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion

    // Constructors

    public Quaternion(T x, T y, T z, T w);
    public Quaternion(Vector3<T> vector, T rotation);

    // Static Properties

    public static Quaternion<T> Identity { get; }

    // Properties

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator +(Quaternion<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Quaternion
    public static Quaternion<T> operator -(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator +(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);
    public static Quaternion<T> operator -(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator *(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);
    public static Quaternion<T> operator /(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator *(Quaternion<T> left, T right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Quaternion<T>   Plus(Quaternion<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Quaternion
    public static Quaternion<T> Negate(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T>      Add(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);
    public static Quaternion<T> Subtract(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);

    public static Quaternion<T> Multiply(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);
    public static Quaternion<T>   Divide(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);

    public static Quaternion<T> Multiply(Quaternion<T>left, T right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Quaternion<T> Concatenate(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);
    public static Quaternion<T>   Conjugate(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T>      CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle); // CreateFromRotationAxis is abetter name?
    public static Quaternion<T> CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix4x4 matrix);
    public static Quaternion<T>   CreateFromYawPitchRoll(T yaw, T pitch, T roll);

    public T Dot(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);  // DotProduct is a better name?

    public Quaternion<T> Inverse(Quaternion<T> value);

    public Quaternion<T>  Lerp(Quaternion<T> min, Quaternion<T> max, T amount);
    public Quaternion<T> Slerp(Quaternion<T> min, Quaternion<T> max, T amount);

    public Quaternion<T> Normalize(Quaternion<T> value);

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Quaternion<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);


public struct Matrix3x2<T> : IEquatable<Matrix3x2<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T M11 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM11(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2
    public T M12 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM12(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2

    public T M21 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM21(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2
    public T M22 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM22(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2

    public T M31 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM31(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2
    public T M32 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM32(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2

    // Constructors

    public Matrix3x2(T m11, T m12, T m21, T m22, T m31, T m32);

    // Static Properties

    public static Quaternion<T> Identity { get; }

    // Properties

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    public Vector2<T> Translation { get; }  // Should this have a setter or a wither

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator +(Matrix3x2<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Matrix3x2
    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator -(Matrix3x2<T> value);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator +(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator -(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator *(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator *(Matrix3x2<T> left, T right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Matrix3x2<T>   Plus(Matrix3x2<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Matrix3x2
    public static Matrix3x2<T> Negate(Matrix3x2<T> value);

    public static Matrix3x2<T>      Add(Matrix3x2<T>left, Matrix3x2<T>right);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> Subtract(Matrix3x2<T>left, Matrix3x2<T>right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Multiply(Matrix3x2<T>left, Matrix3x2<T>right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Multiply(Matrix3x2<T>left, T right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateRotation(T radians);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateRotation(T radians, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scale);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scale, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(Vector2<T> scale);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(Vector2<T> scale, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateSkew(T radiansX, T radiansY);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateSkew(T radiansX, T radiansY, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateTranslation(T positionX, T positionY);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateTranslation(Vector2<T> position);

    public static bool Invert(Matrix3x2<T> matrix, out Matrix3x2<T> result); // TryInvert is a better name?

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Lerp(Matrix3x2<T> min, Matrix3x2<T> max, T amount);

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Matrix3x2<T> other);

    public readonly T GetDeterminant(); // Better as a property?

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);


public struct Matrix4x4<T> : IEquatable<Matrix4x4<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T M11 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM11(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M12 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM12(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M13 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM13(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M14 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM14(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    public T M21 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM21(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M22 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM22(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M23 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM23(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M24 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM24(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    public T M31 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM31(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M32 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM32(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M33 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM33(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M34 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM34(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    public T M41 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM41(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M42 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM42(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M43 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM43(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M44 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM44(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    // Constructors

    public Matrix4x4(Matrix3x2 value);
    public Matrix4x4(T m11, T m12, T m13, T m14, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m24, T m31, T m32, T m33, T m34, T m41, T m42, T m43, T m44);

    // Static Properties

    public static Quaternion<T> Identity { get; }

    // Properties

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    public Vector2<T> Translation { get; }  // Should this have a setter or a wither

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator +(Matrix4x4<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Matrix4x4
    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator -(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator +(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator -(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator *(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator *(Matrix4x4<T> left, T right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Matrix4x4<T>   Plus(Matrix4x4<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Matrix4x4
    public static Matrix4x4<T> Negate(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T>      Add(Matrix4x4<T>left, Matrix4x4<T>right);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> Subtract(Matrix4x4<T>left, Matrix4x4<T>right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Multiply(Matrix4x4<T>left, Matrix4x4<T>right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Multiply(Matrix4x4<T>left, T right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Matrix4x4<T>            CreateBillboard(Vector3<T> objectPosition, Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> cameraUpVector, Vector3<T> cameraForwardVector);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateConstrainedBillboard(Vector3<T> objectPosition, Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> rotationAxis,   Vector3<T> cameraForwardVector, Vector3<T> objectForwardVector);

    public static Matrix4x4<T>    CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle);
    public static Matrix4x4<T>   CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateFromYawPitchRoll(T yaw, T pitch, T roll);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateLookAt(Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> cameraTarget, Vector3<T> cameraUpVector); // Ideally has LH and RH

    public static Matrix4x4<T>          CreateOrthographic(T width, T height, T nearPlane, T farPlane);                 // Ideally has LH and RH
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateOrthographicOffCenter(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T nearPlane, T farPlane);  // Ideally has LH and RH

    public static Matrix4x4<T>            CreatePerspective(T width, T height, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance);                // Ideally has LH and RH
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(T fieldOfView, T aspectRatio, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance);     // Ideally has LH and RH
    public static Matrix4x4<T>   CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance); // Ideally has LH and RH

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateReflection(Plane<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationX(T radians);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationX(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationY(T radians);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationY(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationZ(T radians);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationZ(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scale);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scale, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY, T scaleZ);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY, T scaleZ, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(Vector3<T> scale);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(Vector3<T> scale, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateShadow(Vector3<T> lightDirection, Plane<T> plane);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateTranslation(T positionX, T positionY, T positionZ);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateTranslation(Vector3<T> position);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateWorld(Vector3<T> position, Vector3<T> forward, Vector3<T> up);

    public static bool Decompose(Matrix4x4<T> matrix, out Vector3<T> scale, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3<T> translation); // TryDecompose is a better name?

    public static bool Invert(Matrix4x4<T> matrix, out Matrix4x4<T> result); // TryInvert is a better name? Better to out determinant and return result?

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Lerp(Matrix4x4<T> min, Matrix4x4<T> max, T amount);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Transform(Matrix4x4<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation); // Rotate is a better name

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Transpose(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Matrix4x4<T> other);

    public readonly T GetDeterminant(); // Better as a property?

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
nxrighthere commented 4 years ago

@tannergooding I probably missed this, do we support the marshaling of blittable generic types today? So this will work just fine in case of interop as the current numerics?

tannergooding commented 4 years ago

Yes, support for passing blittable generics was added in .NET Core 3.0.

terrajobst commented 4 years ago
public struct Vector2<T> : IEquatable<Vector2<T>>, IFormattable
    where T : struct
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector2 WithX(T value), or be a public field like Vector2
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector2 WithY(T value), or be a public field like Vector2

    // Constructors

    public Vector2(T value);
    public Vector2(T x, T y);

    public Vector2(T[] value);              // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public Vector2(T[] value, int offset);  // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public Vector2(ReadOnlySpan<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector2

    // Static Properties

    public static Vector2<T> One { get; }
    public static Vector2<T> UnitX { get; }
    public static Vector2<T> UnitY { get; }
    public static Vector2<T> Zero { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator +(Vector2<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public static Vector2<T> operator -(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> operator +(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> operator -(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator *(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> operator /(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator *(Vector2<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector2<T> operator /(Vector2<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector2<T> operator *(T left, Vector2<T> right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Vector2<T>     Plus(Vector2<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Vector2
    public static Vector2<T>   Negate(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T>      Add(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> Subtract(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T>   Divide(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(Vector2<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector2<T>   Divide(Vector2<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector2<T> Multiply(T left, Vector2<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Vector2<T> Abs(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> Clamp(Vector2<T> value, Vector2<T> min, Vector2<T> max);

    public static T        Distance(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static T Dot(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Lerp(Vector2<T> min, Vector<T> max, T amount);

    public static Vector2<T> Min(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);
    public static Vector2<T> Max(Vector2<T> left, Vector2<T> right);

    public static Vector2<T> Normalize(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> Reflect(Vector2<T> incident, Vector2<T> normal);

    public static Vector2<T> SquareRoot(Vector2<T> value);

    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Matrix3x2<T>  matrix);
    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Matrix4x4<T>  matrix);

    public static Vector2<T> Transform(Vector2<T> position, Quaternion<T> rotation); // Rotate is a better name?

    public static Vector2<T> TransformNormal(Vector2<T> normal, Matrix3x2<T> matrix);
    public static Vector2<T> TransformNormal(Vector2<T> normal, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    // Methods

    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array);
    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
    public readonly void CopyTo(Span<T> destination);   // Doesn't exist for Vector2

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Vector2<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    public readonly string ToString(string format);
    public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public struct Vector3<T> : IEquatable<Vector3<T>>, IFormattable
    where T : struct
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3 WithX(T value), or be a public field like Vector3
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3 WithY(T value), or be a public field like Vector3
    public T Z { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3 WithZ(T value), or be a public field like Vector3

    // Constructors

    public Vector3(T value);
    public Vector3(T x, T y, T z);
    public Vector3(Vector2<T> value, T z);

    public Vector3(T[] value);              // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public Vector3(T[] value, int offset);  // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public Vector3(ReadOnlySpan<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector3

    // Static Properties

    public static Vector3<T> One { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> UnitX { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> UnitY { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> UnitZ { get; }
    public static Vector3<T> Zero { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator +(Vector3<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public static Vector3<T> operator -(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> operator +(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> operator -(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> operator /(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(Vector3<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector3<T> operator /(Vector3<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector3<T> operator *(T left, Vector3<T> right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Vector3<T>     Plus(Vector3<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Vector3
    public static Vector3<T>   Negate(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T>      Add(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> Subtract(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T>   Divide(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(Vector3<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector3<T>   Divide(Vector3<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector3<T> Multiply(T left, Vector3<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Vector3<T> Abs(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> Clamp(Vector3<T> value, Vector3<T> min, Vector3<T> max);

    public static T        Distance(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3 Cross(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static T         Dot(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Lerp(Vector3<T> min, Vector<T> max, T amount);

    public static Vector3<T> Min(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static Vector3<T> Max(Vector3<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Vector3<T> Normalize(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> Reflect(Vector3<T> incident, Vector3<T> normal);

    public static Vector3<T> SquareRoot(Vector3<T> value);

    public static Vector3<T> Transform(Vector3<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector3<T> Transform(Vector3<T> position, Quaternion<T> rotation);    // Rotate is a better name?

    public static Vector3<T> TransformNormal(Vector3<T> normal, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    // Methods

    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array);
    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
    public readonly void CopyTo(Span<T> destination);   // Doesn't exist for Vector3

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Vector3<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    public readonly string ToString(string format);
    public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public struct Vector4<T> : IEquatable<Vector4<T>>, IFormattable
    where T : struct
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithX(T value), or be a public field like Vector4
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithY(T value), or be a public field like Vector4
    public T Z { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithZ(T value), or be a public field like Vector4
    public T W { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector4 WithW(T value), or be a public field like Vector4

    // Constructors

    public Vector4(T value);
    public Vector4(T x, T y, T z, T w);
    public Vector4(Vector2<T> value, T z, T, w);
    public Vector4(Vector3<T> value, T, w);

    public Vector4(T[] value);              // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public Vector4(T[] value, int offset);  // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public Vector4(ReadOnlySpan<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector4

    // Static Properties

    public static Vector4<T> One { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitX { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitY { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitZ { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> UnitW { get; }
    public static Vector4<T> Zero { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator +(Vector4<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public static Vector4<T> operator -(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> operator +(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> operator -(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> operator /(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(Vector4<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector4<T> operator /(Vector4<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector4<T> operator *(T left, Vector4<T> right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Vector4<T>     Plus(Vector4<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Vector4
    public static Vector4<T>   Negate(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T>      Add(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> Subtract(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T>   Divide(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(Vector4<T> left, T right);
    public static Vector4<T>   Divide(Vector4<T> left, T right);

    public static Vector4<T> Multiply(T left, Vector4<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Vector4<T> Abs(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> Clamp(Vector4<T> value, Vector4<T> min, Vector4<T> max);

    public static T        Distance(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static T DistanceSquared(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static T Dot(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Lerp(Vector4<T> min, Vector<T> max, T amount);

    public static Vector4<T> Min(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);
    public static Vector4<T> Max(Vector4<T> left, Vector4<T> right);

    public static Vector4<T> Normalize(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> SquareRoot(Vector4<T> value);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector4<T> position, Matrix4x4<T> matrix);

    public static Vector4<T> Transform(Vector4<T> position, Quaternion<T> rotation); // Rotate is a better name?

    // Methods

    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array);
    public readonly void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
    public readonly void CopyTo(Span<T> destination);   // Doesn't exist for Vector4

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Vector4<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    public readonly string ToString(string format);
    public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public struct Plane<T> : IEquatable<Plane<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T          Distance { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a T          WithDistance(T          value), or be a public field like Plan
    public Vector3<T>   Normal { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Vector3<T>   WithNormal(Vector3<T> value), or be a public field like Plan

    // Constructors

    public Plane(T x, T y, T z, T distance);
    public Plane(Vector3<T> normal, T distance);
    public Plane(Vector4<T> value);

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Plane<T> left, Plane<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Plane<T> left, Plane<T> right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Plane<T> CreateFromVertices(Vector3<T> point1, Vector3<T> point2, Vector3<T> point3); // CreateFromPoints is a better name?

    public static T           Dot(Plane<T> left, Vector4<T> right);     // DotProduct is a better name?
    public static T DotCoordinate(Plane<T> left, Vector3<T> right);
    public static T     DotNormal(Plane<T> left, Vector3<T> right);

    public static Plane<T> Normalize(Plane<T> value);

    public static Plane<T> Transform(Plane<T> plane, Matrix4x4<T>  matrix);
    public static Plane<T> Transform(Plane<T> plane, Quaternion<T> matrix); // Rotate is a better name?

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Plane<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public struct Quaternion<T> : IEquatable<Quaternion<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T X { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithX(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion
    public T Y { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithY(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion
    public T Z { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithZ(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion
    public T W { get; }     // Should this have a setter, a Quaternion<T> WithW(T value), or be a public field like Quaternion

    // Constructors

    public Quaternion(T x, T y, T z, T w);
    public Quaternion(Vector3<T> vector, T rotation);

    // Static Properties

    public static Quaternion<T> Identity { get; }

    // Properties

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator +(Quaternion<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Quaternion
    public static Quaternion<T> operator -(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator +(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);
    public static Quaternion<T> operator -(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator *(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);
    public static Quaternion<T> operator /(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);

    public static Quaternion<T> operator *(Quaternion<T> left, T right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Quaternion<T>   Plus(Quaternion<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Quaternion
    public static Quaternion<T> Negate(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T>      Add(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);
    public static Quaternion<T> Subtract(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);

    public static Quaternion<T> Multiply(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);
    public static Quaternion<T>   Divide(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);

    public static Quaternion<T> Multiply(Quaternion<T>left, T right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Quaternion<T> Concatenate(Quaternion<T>left, Quaternion<T>right);
    public static Quaternion<T>   Conjugate(Quaternion<T> value);

    public static Quaternion<T>      CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle); // CreateFromRotationAxis is abetter name?
    public static Quaternion<T> CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix4x4 matrix);
    public static Quaternion<T>   CreateFromYawPitchRoll(T yaw, T pitch, T roll);

    public T Dot(Quaternion<T> left, Quaternion<T> right);  // DotProduct is a better name?

    public Quaternion<T> Inverse(Quaternion<T> value);

    public Quaternion<T>  Lerp(Quaternion<T> min, Quaternion<T> max, T amount);
    public Quaternion<T> Slerp(Quaternion<T> min, Quaternion<T> max, T amount);

    public Quaternion<T> Normalize(Quaternion<T> value);

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Quaternion<T> other);

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly T Length();         // Better as a property?
    public readonly T LengthSquared();  // Better as a property?

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public struct Matrix3x2<T> : IEquatable<Matrix3x2<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T M11 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM11(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2
    public T M12 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM12(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2

    public T M21 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM21(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2
    public T M22 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM22(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2

    public T M31 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM31(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2
    public T M32 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix3x2<T> WithM32(T value), or be a public field like Matrix3x2

    // Constructors

    public Matrix3x2(T m11, T m12, T m21, T m22, T m31, T m32);

    // Static Properties

    public static Quaternion<T> Identity { get; }

    // Properties

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    public Vector2<T> Translation { get; }  // Should this have a setter or a wither

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator +(Matrix3x2<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Matrix3x2
    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator -(Matrix3x2<T> value);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator +(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator -(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator *(Matrix3x2<T> left, Matrix3x2<T> right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> operator *(Matrix3x2<T> left, T right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Matrix3x2<T>   Plus(Matrix3x2<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Matrix3x2
    public static Matrix3x2<T> Negate(Matrix3x2<T> value);

    public static Matrix3x2<T>      Add(Matrix3x2<T>left, Matrix3x2<T>right);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> Subtract(Matrix3x2<T>left, Matrix3x2<T>right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Multiply(Matrix3x2<T>left, Matrix3x2<T>right);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Multiply(Matrix3x2<T>left, T right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateRotation(T radians);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateRotation(T radians, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scale);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scale, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(Vector2<T> scale);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateScale(Vector2<T> scale, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateSkew(T radiansX, T radiansY);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateSkew(T radiansX, T radiansY, Vector2<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateTranslation(T positionX, T positionY);
    public static Matrix3x2<T> CreateTranslation(Vector2<T> position);

    public static bool Invert(Matrix3x2<T> matrix, out Matrix3x2<T> result); // TryInvert is a better name?

    public static Matrix3x2<T> Lerp(Matrix3x2<T> min, Matrix3x2<T> max, T amount);

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Matrix3x2<T> other);

    public readonly T GetDeterminant(); // Better as a property?

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
public struct Matrix4x4<T> : IEquatable<Matrix4x4<T>> //, IFormattable
    // Fields

    public T M11 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM11(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M12 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM12(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M13 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM13(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M14 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM14(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    public T M21 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM21(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M22 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM22(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M23 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM23(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M24 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM24(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    public T M31 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM31(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M32 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM32(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M33 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM33(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M34 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM34(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    public T M41 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM41(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M42 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM42(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M43 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM43(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4
    public T M44 { get; }   // Should this have a setter, a Matrix4x4<T> WithM44(T value), or be a public field like Matrix4x4

    // Constructors

    public Matrix4x4(Matrix3x2 value);
    public Matrix4x4(T m11, T m12, T m13, T m14, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m24, T m31, T m32, T m33, T m34, T m41, T m42, T m43, T m44);

    // Static Properties

    public static Quaternion<T> Identity { get; }

    // Properties

    public bool IsIdentity { get; }

    public Vector2<T> Translation { get; }  // Should this have a setter or a wither

    // Operators

    public static bool operator ==(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);
    public static bool operator !=(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator +(Matrix4x4<T> value);  // Doesn't exist for Matrix4x4
    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator -(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator +(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator -(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator *(Matrix4x4<T> left, Matrix4x4<T> right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> operator *(Matrix4x4<T> left, T right);

    // "Friendly" Operators

    public static Matrix4x4<T>   Plus(Matrix4x4<T> value);    // Doesn't exist for Matrix4x4
    public static Matrix4x4<T> Negate(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T>      Add(Matrix4x4<T>left, Matrix4x4<T>right);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> Subtract(Matrix4x4<T>left, Matrix4x4<T>right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Multiply(Matrix4x4<T>left, Matrix4x4<T>right);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Multiply(Matrix4x4<T>left, T right);

    // Static Methods

    public static Matrix4x4<T>            CreateBillboard(Vector3<T> objectPosition, Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> cameraUpVector, Vector3<T> cameraForwardVector);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateConstrainedBillboard(Vector3<T> objectPosition, Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> rotationAxis,   Vector3<T> cameraForwardVector, Vector3<T> objectForwardVector);

    public static Matrix4x4<T>    CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle);
    public static Matrix4x4<T>   CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateFromYawPitchRoll(T yaw, T pitch, T roll);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateLookAt(Vector3<T> cameraPosition, Vector3<T> cameraTarget, Vector3<T> cameraUpVector); // Ideally has LH and RH

    public static Matrix4x4<T>          CreateOrthographic(T width, T height, T nearPlane, T farPlane);                 // Ideally has LH and RH
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateOrthographicOffCenter(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T nearPlane, T farPlane);  // Ideally has LH and RH

    public static Matrix4x4<T>            CreatePerspective(T width, T height, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance);                // Ideally has LH and RH
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(T fieldOfView, T aspectRatio, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance);     // Ideally has LH and RH
    public static Matrix4x4<T>   CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T nearPlaneDistance, T farPlaneDistance); // Ideally has LH and RH

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateReflection(Plane<T> value);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationX(T radians);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationX(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationY(T radians);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationY(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationZ(T radians);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateRotationZ(T radians, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scale);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scale, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY, T scaleZ);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(T scaleX, T scaleY, T scaleZ, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(Vector3<T> scale);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateScale(Vector3<T> scale, Vector3<T> centerPoint);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateShadow(Vector3<T> lightDirection, Plane<T> plane);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateTranslation(T positionX, T positionY, T positionZ);
    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateTranslation(Vector3<T> position);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> CreateWorld(Vector3<T> position, Vector3<T> forward, Vector3<T> up);

    public static bool Decompose(Matrix4x4<T> matrix, out Vector3<T> scale, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3<T> translation); // TryDecompose is a better name?

    public static bool Invert(Matrix4x4<T> matrix, out Matrix4x4<T> result); // TryInvert is a better name? Better to out determinant and return result?

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Lerp(Matrix4x4<T> min, Matrix4x4<T> max, T amount);

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Transform(Matrix4x4<T> value, Quaternion<T> rotation); // Rotate is a better name

    public static Matrix4x4<T> Transpose(Matrix4x4<T> value);

    // Methods

    public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj);
    public readonly bool Equals(Matrix4x4<T> other);

    public readonly T GetDeterminant(); // Better as a property?

    public override readonly int GetHashCode();

    public readonly override string ToString();
    // public readonly string ToString(string format);
    // public readonly string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
john-h-k commented 4 years ago

Can I take Vector2<T> for the software impls?

tannergooding commented 4 years ago

Approved API is here:

Types are the following and should support float and double:

The initial PR should just focus on the software implementation. Hardware acceleration is being looked at and I will update with more details.

HurricanKai commented 4 years ago

I'd like to take the software impl of Vector3

Perksey commented 4 years ago

I'll have a software impl of Vector4 with a side of fries please (see also)

tannergooding commented 4 years ago

Thanks @HurricanKai and @Perksey.

I've marked those bits as assigned. As per the discussion on Discord, given the work size and that we don't want to get only a partial implementation in, the work will go into the generic-vector branch of my fork: Once everything is completed, it can then be PR'd altogether for a final review.

Once the first couple of types are in, I will see how easy it is to extend the SimdAsHWIntrinsic support to support the new types. On initial investigation, this should be just recognizing the new type for float. It may require some minor changes to support double code when AVX is not supported.

tannergooding commented 4 years ago

@eerhardt reminded me we have now, so I will set that up instead 😄

Perksey commented 4 years ago

As discussed in Discord, John and I would like to claim Matrix4x4 and Matrix3x2 respectively. Let me know if the runtimelab branch is still going ahead, if not I'll just use tanner's fork.

Cpt-Falcon commented 4 years ago

Whatever happened to this? In many applications doubles are absolutely critical for accuracy. In the signal processing or RF world floats can affect phase drastically, and on modern 64 bit computers double math and float math are pretty close in performance. Why wasn't System.Numerics done as doubles originally? I mean that's why System.Math was done in doubles to begin with and MathF was added later. Basically this is unusable in any situation that requires accuracy, and has forced us to use alternative math libraries that use hardware.instrinsics. Also someone has already done this, so please get this included. I'd do it myself but for various company policy reasons I can't.

Also doing it as Decimal would be welcome too, although that's probably pretty niche.

Lastly, is JIT smart enough in .net core to use AVX, AVX2, AVX256, and AVX512 instructions?

tannergooding commented 4 years ago

Whatever happened to this

It's a work in progress and hasn't been completed yet. I'd like to get it in for .NET 6, but we still need to see about scheduling and prioritization.

In the signal processing or RF world floats can affect phase drastically, and on modern 64 bit computers double math and float math are pretty close in performance

For single operations, double and float indeed take approximately the same number of cycles. For vectorized operations however, single-precision floats tends to be ~2x faster as each instruction can operate on 4/8 rather than 2/4 values at a time.

Why wasn't System.Numerics done as doubles originally

Most of the types in System.Numerics were oriented around graphics programming (things like XNA, MonoGame, etc) which tends to prefer single-precision floats. Many CPUs also correspondingly favor single-precision vectorized operations in the instructions they expose. That is, not all functionality is equally exposed between float and double.

Lastly, is JIT smart enough in .net core to use AVX, AVX2, AVX256, and AVX512 instructions?

Yes. Just as Vector2/3/4 are internally accelerated today, these new types will likewise be internally accelerated when possible. We also expose System.Runtime.Intrinsics for cases where you want more explicit control over the codegen.

We do not support AVX512 today and there is no AVX256 ISA. 256-bit variants of the instructions as part of AVX and AVX2 and are supported that way.

pgovind commented 4 years ago

I will move this along for the .NET 6 wave and co-ordinate PRs in runtimelab with @tannergooding. Assigning to myself

Cpt-Falcon commented 3 years ago

Whatever happened to this

It's a work in progress and hasn't been completed yet. I'd like to get it in for .NET 6, but we still need to see about scheduling and prioritization.

In the signal processing or RF world floats can affect phase drastically, and on modern 64 bit computers double math and float math are pretty close in performance

For single operations, double and float indeed take approximately the same number of cycles. For vectorized operations however, single-precision floats tends to be ~2x faster as each instruction can operate on 4/8 rather than 2/4 values at a time.

Why wasn't System.Numerics done as doubles originally

Most of the types in System.Numerics were oriented around graphics programming (things like XNA, MonoGame, etc) which tends to prefer single-precision floats. Many CPUs also correspondingly favor single-precision vectorized operations in the instructions they expose. That is, not all functionality is equally exposed between float and double.

Lastly, is JIT smart enough in .net core to use AVX, AVX2, AVX256, and AVX512 instructions?

Yes. Just as Vector2/3/4 are internally accelerated today, these new types will likewise be internally accelerated when possible. We also expose System.Runtime.Intrinsics for cases where you want more explicit control over the codegen.

We do not support AVX512 today and there is no AVX256 ISA. 256-bit variants of the instructions as part of AVX and AVX2 and are supported that way.

Thank you for all this information and additional context that makes a lot of sense

hansmbakker commented 3 years ago

@pgovind and @tannergooding, is there any update on this for .NET6 given that the first previews are out already?

I'm having a use case where I'd like to work with sets of currency-related data, where I would like to perform parallelized operations on the elements of these sets. Think of arrays of decimals.

The operations I would like to perform are element-wise multiplication and element-wise summing of multiple arrays having the same length.

I thought to use Vector<decimal> for this, only to find out that it will throw a NotSupportedException....

tannergooding commented 3 years ago

This isn't being actively prioritized right now.

I've done quite a bit of cleanup in the JIT and so adding the acceleration for these types should be much more doable now, but it still needs some infrastructure work to make happen.

hansmbakker commented 3 years ago

Ok, and is there still a chance to get it in? Can anything be done to prioritize it higher?

It would already help a bit if it wasn't hardware accelerated yet but if it at least was usable from a developer perspective (rather than having to build for loops or use LINQ's Zip method to achieve element-wise vector-scalar multiplication and element summing of multiple vectors).

Now for every method, ThrowHelper.ThrowForUnsupportedNumericsVectorBaseType<T>(); is called...

Edit: if I'm misunderstanding this and if I should be using a different approach for (parallel) element-wise operations on lists of decimal, I'd be also curious to hear the feedback :)

See for an example of why you could do element-wise operations on sequences of decimal.

tannergooding commented 3 years ago

is there still a chance to get it in

It will happen eventually. When it gets in is largely up to my own free time. Even if a community member were to provide this, there needs to be availability to review it.

Can anything be done to prioritize it higher?

Not readily. This isn't something that falls into the "nice to have"/"general framework improvements" category and so it falls below other work on my plate.

Now for every method, ThrowHelper.ThrowForUnsupportedNumericsVectorBaseType(); is called...

This is elided by the JIT since T must be a struct type.

See for an example of why you could do element-wise operations on sequences of decimal.

These types are largely oriented around what can be hardware accelerated. We could conceivably support more with the new generic math proposal, but it isn't clear how much benefit that will have.

CC. @jeffhandley

hansmbakker commented 3 years ago

When it gets in is largely up to my own free time.

Ok, I understand. Thank you for providing feedback in any case!

This is elided by the JIT since T must be a struct type.

Ok, but decimal is a struct, too, and still it will throw a NotSupportedException. I do see now that it comes from the Vector<T> constructor though.

We could conceivably support more with the new generic math proposal

Likely you mean ( also is called "generic math") seems to focus on scalar types - I don't know enough about it to understand how that proposal will improve the Vector<T> support for decimal?

tannergooding commented 3 years ago

Ok, but decimal is a struct, too, and still it will throw a NotSupportedException

Yes, but we can't support any struct type. We can only support a limited subset, which is currently float, double, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, nint, and nuint (the exact types supported can vary however).

decimal is a large and slow type oriented around a specific use-case (largely currency). It isn't suitable for use in some other spaces where concepts like NaN, Infinity or Negative Zero are important.

Likely you mean #18244? (dotnet/csharplang#4436 also is called "generic math")

The latter. The former is one that I missed and have just closed 😄

We are tracking some more extensive work in supporting "generic math" via some interfaces, the rough draft design is tracked here:

This would theoretically allow Vector2<T> where T : INumber<T> or similar, but given the orientation of Vector2 around graphics and perf, that might not be desirable.

hansmbakker commented 3 years ago

decimal is a large and slow type oriented around a specific use-case (largely currency)

Yes, I agree, that is why I was wondering whether it was possible to support the missing builtin numeric types without hardware acceleration to make it at least "code-complete" (if the hardware acceleration support would be the issue).

tannergooding commented 3 years ago

I'd be willing to entertain supporting decimal here, but I think it needs more thought, including how it would restrict or impact the ability to extend Vector2/3/4 with additional support in the future.

It would need to be a separate API proposal that discusses extending the types approved in this issue. You can find the new proposal template here: is an example of an issue that requested Vector<T> be expanded too support nint and nuint

The main concerns are how this impacts the lack of APIs like decimal.Sqrt and how it might impact the ability to expose methods like Sin, Cos, or other "common" functionality exposed by Vector2/3/4 types:

The same concerns exist for the integral types such as int or byte.

Also, for reference decimal isn't an industry standard type (unlike float, or double or half), isn't supported by any of the ABI (application binary interface) specifications, and isn't actually a runtime built-in type. It's actually a Microsoft specific type that is fully defined by the framework and has special support in C#, VB, and F#.

hansmbakker commented 3 years ago

Ok, in that case the barrier feels a bit too high for me. Thank you for thinking along, though!

FilipToth commented 3 years ago

Wow, I love it! Although one rarely needs extremely precise vectors, I do think the System.Numerics API needs to be more extensive. How about long for vectors and matrices?

Perksey commented 3 years ago

@FilipToth that would require a (predictably extensive) chat in API review to figure out what to do with things that just don’t work outside of floating points - like vector lengths and normalisation: should they throw? or return a really imprecise value?

tannergooding commented 3 years ago

How about long for vectors and matrices?

The same concerns as I raised for decimal exist, but more-so since it doesn't carry a fractional part. What's the behavior for standard operations like Length or Sqrt. What will be the behavior if we want to expose Sin or Cos in the future?

The type is generic and so having these in the future will be possible, but it certainly needs more though and design work to see if that's desirable.

FilipToth commented 3 years ago

@Perksey @tannergooding Good to know. Thank you for your clarification.

The type is generic and so having these in the future will be possible, but it certainly needs more thought and design work to see if that's desirable.

I agree, it would amazing to have that in the API. I feel maybe the methods that do require a decimal point but the vector is say a long could just round it up.

SparkieLabs commented 3 years ago

Now that generic math is a thing, this issue seems like the perfect use case for it.

To that end I have been creating generic math versions here.

I have implemented Vector2\<T>, Vector3\<T>, Vector4\<T>, Matrix3x2\<T>, Matrix4x4\<T>, Plane\<T> and Quaternion\<T> together with the associated tests, all based on the existing non-generic float versions code.

Feedback welcome!

Perksey commented 3 years ago

@sparkie108 1000000000% agree, though before coming up with an alternative API proposal we should probably look at which APIs are suitable for just floating point numbers and which APIs could work with any numeric type, as generic math would allow us to open these new types up to every single numeric type (but there are some of the methods which don't really make sense if you're working with integers)

SparkieLabs commented 3 years ago

Agreed a discussion is needed as to how theses types should be progressed now that Generic Math is a thing.

My own considered opinion, for what it's worth, is that these types are primary designed to support 2D and 3D graphical applications and that's what they should focus on. If you look at the methods, particalarly of the Matrix types, most are orientated towards graphics. Perhaps they should even be in System.Numerics.Graphics? The scalar types currently used for graphics are Half, Single and Double which can all be supported using the approved api and Generic Math as shown in my repo.

I can see the case for supplementary vector/matrix types that:

The ML world probably has some of this covered.

I suspect just adding support to these types for Complex and Decimal won't really meet anybody's needs.

Ideally the graphics types would be a 'subclass' of the more general types, but as they are structs I'm not sure how that is possible. Generic Math would certainly make it easier for the two sets of types to interact.

Whether integer support ever makes sense I'm unsure of, beyond a 2D pixel point which you could regard as a 2D vector. As soon as you try to invert a matrix of integers you risk getting floats.

@tannergooding, I would be very interested in your views.

tannergooding commented 3 years ago

This is no longer marked api-approved or up-for-grabs as there have been both new innovations and new potential conflicts that have come to light which warrant it getting re-designed and re-reviewed.

In particular, generic math now exists and may make much of this area simpler to design around/implement or such that it can be designed "better". Likewise, when the T for these generic types are int, there are potential conflicts with things such as C# list and index patterns and its highly possible one of the other domain specific should be used instead of Length. tracks the language providing an opt-out for this "issue", but it needs additional discussion/consideration by API review in either case.

vpenades commented 3 years ago

So after 5 years of debate, back to the beginning. In the meantime, we're forced to do stuff like this.

Sometimes, the best solution is not the perfect solution. Sometimes the best solution is the one that arrives in time. How I wished to have System.Numerics.Vectors at the time I was using Net3.5

tannergooding commented 3 years ago

Yes, sometimes the best solution is not the perfect solution. But when there are practical and real world concerns that come up which will actively hurt or complicate the thing in question, its likewise worth the additional bake time to get it out right.

There are a lot of features that everyone is asking for across the ecosystem and this one in particular is one of the "big asks" and because it is a "big ask" it requires additional design and consideration, particularly if it is going to lay the foundations for future support and not simply get invalidated in another 3-5 years.

I've been actively pushing on getting this feature, among others in the numerics and SIMD related areas since I became the area owner and I am still committed to ensuring this happens.

In particular, we are not back to square 1 here, there is largely an open question around Length. However, on top of that, there are a couple other "breaks" with regards to Vector2/3/4 that have consistently come up that are worth considering; in particularly explicitly calling out when something is LHS vs RHS based. These are the minimal open questions that API review needs to reconsider before this can actually move forward.

Beyond that, there is opportunity to correctly integrate this with generic math for .NET 7. That isn't a requirement, but it is something worth considering given that this hasn't shipped yet. And finally, there is the overall need to ensure that this is performant and therefore actually usable in production apps. .NET 5 and .NET 6 laid a lot of foundational work to make that possible and to ensure we could trivially ensure Vector2/3/4<float> and the other T could be trivially accelerated.

SparkieLabs commented 3 years ago

I agree .NET could end up with a better solution if this was approached again with a clean sheet.

Generic math would make these types far more useful as the code consuming them could also be made generic, for example you could create LineSegment\<T> with line-based math with would work with both floats and doubles.

I did manage to get generic math to work with the current api with one exception, see sparkie108/generic-vectors-matrices#3. @tannergooding am I missing a trick here or is it a problem with current generic math api?

Is there anything we can do to help move this forward in .NET 7?

Cpt-Falcon commented 3 years ago

@tannergooding Hey, one question I had on the implementation of this. Looking at the code for float I don't see any of the SIMD logic like Avx.Add or Avx2 or SSE2, etc. How exactly does this work in the current implementation. Is JIT somehow smart enough to automatically insert the SIMD instructions where appropriate? Until the generic math comes into existence. I was thinking of just taking the float code that already exists, adding a D at the end of every method, and finding and replacing float with double.

pjmlp commented 2 years ago

Coming late to the party as I dived into this issue due to some raytracing experiments, which naturally use double and floats are just too small for the range of values causing visual distortions.

So basically the only way to guarantee that we can have some kind of stable accelerated API for this kind of purposes is to drop into C++, from what I understand from this discussion, as neither Systems.Numerics is going forward nor System.Runtime.Intrinsics provide the comfort of the previous one, and naturally it is still a big question how .NET 7 will look like in this regard.

tannergooding commented 2 years ago

So basically the only way to guarantee that we can have some kind of stable accelerated API for this kind of purposes is to drop into C++, from what I understand from this discussion, as neither Systems.Numerics is going forward nor System.Runtime.Intrinsics provide the comfort of the previous one, and naturally it is still a big question how .NET 7 will look like in this regard.

Could you elaborate on what parts above make you think this? System.Numerics is not going away and is still being developed and moved forward. Likewise, System.Runtime.Intrinsics is getting explicit improvements in .NET 7 to improve the xplat experience and make it more comfortable to use (most of the work is already done and in .NET 7 P1).

The main issues here are that exposing Vector2/3/4 (and equivalent generic versions of the other types) is a lot of work. The scope of the work is also complex as users want to support integer types in the future, there has been feedback for several years on the existing Vector2/3/4 types having a layout that makes certain things hard to understand/use, and there has since been the introduction of the hardware intrinsics, xplat intrinsic helpers (new in .NET 7), and generic math (also new in .NET 7). All of this culminates in a need to give this API another think over and taking it back to API review.

I certainly could push this forward faster and ignore some of the big feedback points or design changes that have come up. But that also wouldn't make me a very good area owner here. Likewise, I do not want this sitting around for ever; it is a beneficial set of APIs to expose and I don't want it to get stuck in design limbo. I do expect this next design round will be the last as I'm not currently planning any other "major" changes that would be impactful enough to do warrant that and I've also gotten the overall JIT support here into a good place where accelerating these APIs is going to be much easier/straightforward.

which naturally use double and floats are just too small for the range of values causing visual distortions.

I expect this is more to do with implementation than to do with the precision range of float. Consider that many GPUs still don't have double-precision support and that Vulkan, DirectX 12, and many of the best ray tracing engines still use float.

I would generally expect a render engine/framework to take into account the concept of a "floating-origin" to ensure that you never have to consider floating-point values large enough to cause inaccuracies and to "normalize" the scale so that the most commonly used values are between -1 and +1 (allowing ~2 billion uniquely representable single-precision floating-point values).

pjmlp commented 2 years ago

I confess I haven't read every single post, however I got the feeling that other stuff was kind of having higher priority on .NET roadmap and we have what we have.

Good to know that I was wrong and should probably read the whole thread with more care.

As for the float vs double, maybe some issues on blindly converting a C++ rendering sample into C#, replacing glm with System.Numeric (and downgrading double to float in the process), which is what prompt me to try to find out the current stat of affairs, thus landing here, maybe I should look more closely for arithmetic conversion bugs.

Thanks for the lengthy reply, naturally I prefer to stay in .NET land even for this kind of experiments and looking forward to what is coming.

tannergooding commented 2 years ago

As for the float vs double, maybe some issues on blindly converting a C++ rendering sample into C#, replacing glm with System.Numeric (and downgrading double to float in the process), which is what prompt me to try to find out the current stat of affairs, thus landing here, maybe I should look more closely for arithmetic conversion bugs.

It's likely not conversion bugs, but rather to do with how floating-point works under the covers.

float is 32-bits and can represent approximately 4-billion unique values. However, the distribution is not linear and the distance between representable values differs depending on how big they are.

If you were to say that 1.0f was a meter than it can accurately represent things at approx the "micrometer" level. Where-as at 1024.0 meters you can only represent things at approx the millimeter level. After 2^24 (approx 16.7 million) you can no longer even represent whole integers and only even numbers (and then only every 4th number at 2^25 and so on).

The biggest thing that double typically enables is that you can represent whole integers up to 2^52 and so you are less likely to run into issues with a simple algorithm. However, you can still run into the same issues especially if you are working with "large scales" (like space games representing the solar system).

Due to how float/double are represented and because approx half of the representable values are between -1 and +1, you generally want to "normalize" your inputs so that most values fall between -1 and +1. You then likely also want to separate your world into cells or chunks and to change where the origin is as you move throughout the world (either moving the world around the camera, rather than the camera through the world; or changing the origin every 'x' cells so that you never move far enough away from it to start seeing issues).

pjmlp commented 2 years ago

@tannergooding Many thanks for the tips, even though it isn't really related to the ticket, much appreciated.

vpenades commented 2 years ago

I've just found Silk.NET.Maths which seems to be quite complete and using generic maths.

Cpt-Falcon commented 2 years ago

I've just found Silk.NET.Maths which seems to be quite complete and using generic maths.

The project in general looks pretty sweet, thanks for posting it. Their work is quite impressive. But do the math operations you listed there actually get compiled to use SIMD efficiently? Like are they going to use avx instructions?

Perksey commented 2 years ago

@serp777 see dotnet/Silk.NET#666 and #904

Cpt-Falcon commented 2 years ago

As for the float vs double, maybe some issues on blindly converting a C++ rendering sample into C#, replacing glm with System.Numeric (and downgrading double to float in the process), which is what prompt me to try to find out the current stat of affairs, thus landing here, maybe I should look more closely for arithmetic conversion bugs.

It's likely not conversion bugs, but rather to do with how floating-point works under the covers.

float is 32-bits and can represent approximately 4-billion unique values. However, the distribution is not linear and the distance between representable values differs depending on how big they are.

If you were to say that 1.0f was a meter than it can accurately represent things at approx the "micrometer" level. Where-as at 1024.0 meters you can only represent things at approx the millimeter level. After 2^24 (approx 16.7 million) you can no longer even represent whole integers and only even numbers (and then only every 4th number at 2^25 and so on).

The biggest thing that double typically enables is that you can represent whole integers up to 2^52 and so you are less likely to run into issues with a simple algorithm. However, you can still run into the same issues especially if you are working with "large scales" (like space games representing the solar system).

Due to how float/double are represented and because approx half of the representable values are between -1 and +1, you generally want to "normalize" your inputs so that most values fall between -1 and +1. You then likely also want to separate your world into cells or chunks and to change where the origin is as you move throughout the world (either moving the world around the camera, rather than the camera through the world; or changing the origin every 'x' cells so that you never move far enough away from it to start seeing issues).

Interesting, this makes me think about how kerbal space program (written in Unity) does their math. You've got very large numbers in the hundreds of millions or billions with precision at the 0.01 level. At the same time though all double math would likely be too expensive.

vpenades commented 2 years ago

this makes me think about how kerbal space program (written in Unity) does their math.

Explained here:

tannergooding commented 2 years ago

Interesting, this makes me think about how kerbal space program (written in Unity) does their math. You've got very large numbers in the hundreds of millions or billions with precision at the 0.01 level. At the same time though all double math would likely be too expensive.

@serp777, yes they cover a few of the standard approaches to solving this in the video. You can see this in other games as well particularly those with modding support such as Minecraft (chunks), or Elder Scrolls (cells), etc. There are tons of papers covering the techniques and approaches that allow all of this to work, including at scale.

Its also worth noting that double math isn't itself "expensive". That is float + float and double + double both execute in about 2-3 cycles (going back to at least 2016) and this also applies to most other operations that have hardware support. What makes float faster is when you're using SIMD, as you can then do twice as many operations in the same instruction or when memory is a bottleneck since you can do the same number of operations while using half the memory.