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Windows Forms is a .NET UI framework for building Windows desktop applications.
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Proposal: implement generic IList<T> on collection types #2644

Open weltkante opened 4 years ago

weltkante commented 4 years ago

Historically WinForms existed before generic collections, and when generics were introduced the collection types in WinForms never were updated to implement the generic IList<T> interface. I think its time to revisit all collection types and implement IList<T> for an appropriate type T.

For maximum compatibility the T in IList<T> should match the already existing indexer on the collection type, because binding logic will currently orient itself on the indexer to determine the type of the list, but if you start implementing IList<T> it will prefer that over the indexer. To avoid changing how collection types behave during binding you should use the indexer type as T.

Some advantages of implementing IList<T> in addition to IList:

Since it turned out there are many trade-offs when implementing generic collections here is a breakdown of breaking changes vs. their benefits:

Breaking changes grouped by benefit/scenario ## Convenience ## (1) `var` in foreach loops is not supported: `foreach (var child in parent.Controls)` defaults to child being `object` (same for every other collection type, not just the control collection). You have to write out the collection content type manually in every loop. Fixing this requires implementing generic `IEnumerable` _and_ changing the return type of the public `GetEnumerator` from non-generic `IEnumerator` to generic `IEnumerator` because foreach picks up the public method in favor of interfaces. I assume this breaks binary compatibility. (2) You can use LINQ without prefixing the collection with a `Cast()` or `OfType()` LINQ call. Currently you have to write `panel.Controls.Cast()` to access the control collection, repeating the content type same as in the foreach loop. Fixing this does _not_ require a breaking change, you can implement `IEnumerable` explicitely without breaking binary compatibility (if I understood correctly adding an interface is not breaking compatibility). ## Performance ## (3) LINQ expressions such as `Last()` or `ToList()` will iterate over the whole collection since they don't see the non-generic IList. Implementing generic IList will allow more efficient access. Fixing this requires implementing `IList` but it can be implemented explicitely, so theoretically it can be done without breaking binary compatibility. Practically there is a problem where some collection types use virtual methods, theoretically allowing 3rd party subclasses. Explicitely implementing `IList` without requiring an update of subclasses leads to very weird and inefficient implementations of `bool ICollection.Remove(T item)` because the current virtual methods won't tell whether an item was removed. ## Analyzers ## (4) Analyzers are usually only written with generic collections in mind. This actually came up during writing the PR, xunit only has support for generic collections, its analyzers won't pick up on antipatterns if you are using non-generic collections. For adding analyzer support it probably should be enough implementing `IList` explicitely so it probably has no extra cost and is just a benefit if you decide to implement generic collections at all. ## Nullability ## (5) Nullability checks on `foreach` loops will look at the public `GetEnumerator`, nullability checks for LINQ and other extension methods will look at the interface. Most collections can't contain null, but you have no way to annotate the nullability on non-generic IList. Adding support for nullability to foreach loops requires a breaking change because you need to change the return type of public `GetEnumerator` methods to the generic version. (6) some collection classes expose non-generic backing collections to subclasses. These are holding back the WinForms code base from modernizing itself (including proper use of nullability annotations), since you can't change backing collections to a generic type if they are exposed the way they are currently.
Benefits grouped by amount of breaking change Benefits are incremental in the order I list them. ## explicit `IEnumerable` ## Implement only `IEnumerable` as explicit interface implementation on collection classes. * allows using LINQ expressions without prefixing them with a `Cast()` or `OfType()` * enables some analyzers to assist the user (analyzers are often only written for generic collections) * nullability annotations for LINQ expressions (but not foreach loops) ## explicit `IList` ## Implement `IList` but make the implementation not public unless the method already exists with the exact signature. All other methods are implemented as explicit interface implementations. * allows fast access via LINQ e.g. for `Last()` and `ToList()` extension methods * enables more analyzers to assist the user ## changing GetEnumerator signature to a generic type ## This is the minimum breaking change you have to take for additional benefits. * foreach loops can start using `var` * foreach loops see nullability annotations ## changing `void Remove()` signature to return boolean ## For non-virtual Remove() methods this is optional, you can always do a private or internal Remove() implementation which returns bool, but for virtual Remove() methods this is a major breaking change. * simplifies the explicit implementation of `IList.Remove` massively, including better performance - without this change you have to double-check the contents for removal ## change backing collection types ## Some collections expose their (non-generic) backing collection to subclasses. Changing this is obviously a major breaking change. * the WinForms codebase itself would probably the major receiver of any benefits you get from this, as without this changes you are forced to use non-generic collections internally (at least in parts of the codebase which expose backing collections). This means nullability annotations within WinForms itself will be missing around those parts if you can't change backing collections to generic types.

❗️ This may impact VS Designer, and this impact will have to be assessed.

RussKie commented 4 years ago

This is a great suggestion!

@terrajobst @danmosemsft @ericstj are there any pitfalls to be mindful of? Any suggestion to verify back-compat?

weltkante commented 4 years ago

In PR #2646 it was noticed that WinForms exposes non-generic dictionaries via ICollection where the content is a DictionaryEntry. Making those collections generic would have to expose ICollection<DictionaryEntry> if you want 100% compatibility to old code. It's worth to discuss if we want to take a breaking change, modernizing dictionary-like collections to IDictionary<K,V> which implies ICollection<KeyValuePair<K,V>>. Note that you cannot implement both generic ICollection interfaces at the same time as they all share the same non-generic IEnumerable you are forced to decide on exactly one content type when you implement generic collections.

If we don't want to decide on how to treat dictionary-like collections yet (and keep the door open to do the switch later - implementing ICollection<DictionaryEntry> would prevent that) we could skip this kind of collections in this issue and only implement generic collections on list-like containers.

ericstj commented 4 years ago

It'll probably cause noticeable change in places that probe for type-specific interfaces before falling back non-generic. At the least this will result in different behavior, it could cause problems if it executes brand new code-paths that aren't vetted. It seems reasonable to do in a new release like net 5, but I'd be cautious about doing it in an inplace update.

I don't think we have a precedent to point you at here. We've done similar stuff in desktop and it broke a people but that's an in place update with higher compat bar.

RussKie commented 4 years ago

@ericstj do I take it we have a blessing from you? 😀 And yes, we are only talking .NET 5+ here, no intention to update .NET Framework.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

Any comment on how to treat dictionaries, they are also exposing a collection API (see my previous comment above for more detail)? The risk here is greater because moving to generic dictionaries changes the content type of the list vom DictionaryEntry to KeyValuePair and callers will need to be updated to switch the struct they are using if they e.g. iterate over the dictionary.

On the other hand the 5.0 release is probably the biggest opportunity to do an API breaking change of this kind, letting it pass might mean you'll be unable to use generic dictionaries (which will also have negative effects on your ability to do nullability annotations, non-generic dictionaries cannot be annotated properly)

I'll start working on a PR for the non-dictionary collections tomorrow, we'll see if any other issues come up.

ericstj commented 4 years ago

@ericstj do I take it we have a blessing from you? 😀

No, you have an opinion from me. I'm not aware of any hard rule about adding interfaces to existing classes. There may be concerns specific to your usage that could complicate things and you'll only discover that through careful design and testing.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

I went ahead and tried implementing IList<T> on some collection classes which currently have IList. Some things which immediately come up for discussion:

PS: if you think at any point that this not going to meet your 5.0 goals of backwards compatibility, I don't mind if this can't go in, its mainly a thing to explore to see if we can do it. If it doesn't fit the compatibility goal of the project I understand that, having started trying to implement the generic interfaces I see there are lots of trade offs to decide on.

ericstj commented 4 years ago

Remove needs to return a boolean now. Normally I'd just change the return type but for virtual methods which could have been overidden by external subclasses this needs discussion how much breaking change you want

You cannot change the return type. That's a binary breaking change. Consider implementing interface explicitly to avoid breaking change.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

Thats exactly the thing I want discussed and decided upon by the responsible owners, writing the code for the PR there are too many options with non-obvious choises and trade-offs. At this point I only see it as a way to explore the options and consequences, so the strategy for the PR so far is to do a minimum-diff implementation.

Third party frameworks often take breaking changes between major versions in order to modernize the framework (possibly changing assembly names e.g. by numbering them to avoid versioning issues). There were plenty breaking changes in WinForms going from Desktop to 3.0/3.1 so I think the question is which breaking changes are possible and worth taking for 5.0. If the answer is that the move from Desktop to Core was special in that it is equivalent to an assembly rename and at this point there must be no more breaking changes at all until the next time assemblies are renamed (if ever) then I'll rework accordingly.

As far as return type changes are concerned, correct me if I'm mistaken but I think foreach loops take the public GetEnumerator call and not the explicit interface implementations? I've not done a lot of nullability coding yet but I think you can't avoid taking breaking changes if you want winforms collections to have proper nullable annotations on foreach loops as almost all public GetEnumerator methods return non-generic IEnumerable?

RussKie commented 4 years ago

Having talked to @coolcsh, I believe we can do breaking changes in major versions, if we deem those beneficial (i.e. gains outweigh pains). This doesn't necessarily mean we should break things left, right and center though. We will need to have proposal clearly discussing pros and cons, have POCs and have API reviews. (Basically what @weltkante is doing now 👍).

RussKie commented 4 years ago

@weltkante could you provide some examples of how user code would benefit from these changes?

weltkante commented 4 years ago

I've updated the OP with a breakdown of breaking changes vs. benefits. I've restricted myself to listing breaking changes with substantial benefits which cannot be achieved without workarounds, otherwise the list would probably be at least twice as long.

Thanks for making me think more about the trade-offs, having written this I currently think the conservative sweet spot is just changing the signature of GetEnumerator calls, I'd really like modern language support for foreach statements as they are very common in code.

The other benefits are things you can get if you want to take more breaking changes, but they mostly affect the WinForms codebase and could be worked around internally. If you favor binary compatibility highly you can omit them at the cost of more workarounds within the WinForms codebase.

Unless other suggestions come up tomorrow I'll rework the PR to explore said implementation where just GetEnumerator calls change signature and see what comes up with those choices.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

Turns out one central collection, the ControlCollection has issues with updating to a generic GetEnumerator because it wants to override the non-generic GetEnumerator from its base class. I've tried finding a workaround but what I've got so far doesn't feel great.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

2921 takes effort to preserve binary compatibility to 3.x in order to allow roll-forward. Note that this conflicts with adding foreach/nullability support to collections in WinForms. (See comment over there for details.)

DustinCampbell commented 4 years ago

I just want to post my opinion here as well. While we can take breaking changes in major versions, we need to do it judiciously. With regard to this particular change, it would cause two issues:

  1. Tooling will need to react. The .NET Core WinForms Designer that is being actively worked on would have to write code to deal with this. In fact, this would be an invasive enough change that we'd need to ship two designers to support it.
  2. The library ecosystem will be broken on the new version until the libraries are updated. To continue supporting the previous version, the libraries would need to compile two different binaries, potentially with #if..#endifs.

Of course, if the breaking change provides tons of value, it can definitely outweigh those concerns. :smile: That said, it's worth exploring ideas that provides similar productivity via non-breaking APIs with less upheaval of the platform, tooling and ecosystem.

terrajobst commented 4 years ago

To be honest, I'm not entirely convinced that this change improves productivity by much. If it were non-breaking, I'd probably take it. But as @DustinCampbell said, breaking changes need to be worthwhile. I'm not sure this demonstrably improves the developer experience. But I'm not an expert, so I could be wrong.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

@terrajobst its mostly impacting the ability for nullability annotations, as long as you don't take a breaking change for GetEnumerator return types WinForms won't be able to annotate its collections. I'd say this will negatively impact productivity once nullability becomes the standard, everyone will have to work around it.

If it weren't for nullability and it only affected foreach(var ...) type inference I'd probably agree, but WinForms not being able to nullability annotate has me a bit worried. The switch from 3.0 to 5.0 seems like the best chance.

At the end of the day its a strategic decision and the sooner its done the better.

merriemcgaw commented 4 years ago

As much as I would LOVE to take this proposal, along with nullability annotations, I agree with the above comments about it being too breaking.

WinForms not being able to nullability annotate has me a bit worried. The switch from 3.0 to 5.0 seems like the best chance.

@weltkante can you elaborate?

weltkante commented 4 years ago

@merriemcgaw non-generic collections cannot be nullability annotated because they are hardwired to return "nullable object", even though many collections in WinForms don't allow null. This means every foreach loop over a WinForms collection requires workarounds because they report content may be null when it really can't be. Fixing this requires a nullability annotated GetEnumerator, which in in turn requires changing the return type because current IEnumerator return type has no place where something can be annotated.

These foreach loops already cause a lot of friction within the WinForms codebase when trying to turn on nullability, and I don't think it will be any different for outside consumers. Even though its not noticeable now, when the C# language turns on nullability by default WinForms will cause a lot of trouble.

I understand if you decide for compatibility rather than foreach/nullability support. That doesn't mean you can't take the proposal though, you can still implement the interfaces and get LINQ support into the collections. Just foreach/nullability will not be supported without changing GetEnumerator return types.

Once its decided which path to take I'll update the PR accordingly.

merriemcgaw commented 4 years ago

The team will discuss this early next week, so we won't keep you hanging terribly long 😄

merriemcgaw commented 4 years ago

That doesn't mean you can't take the proposal though, you can still implement the interfaces and get LINQ support into the collections. Just foreach/nullability will not be supported without changing GetEnumerator return types.

@weltkante Would it be possible to get a proof of the concept above? The concern about back-compat is one that I'm not likely to be able to convince the powers that be to make such a breaking change. But being able to show the use case you mention above makes it more palatable.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

Sure, I'll prepare a second PR so it can be compared more easily than just updating the existing PR.

weltkante commented 4 years ago

Added alternate PR #2999 which has no public API change expect adding new interfaces. This allows LINQ support and nullability annotations, but the annotations won't work for foreach loops.

I've kept PR #2749 intact to help comparison, if desired.

merriemcgaw commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much! We'll take a look.

RussKie commented 4 years ago

I've written some simple benchmarks to check any perceived benefit of going from IEnumerable to IEnumerable<T>:

    public class IEnumerableBenchmarks
        private UntypedCollection<int> _untypedCollection;
        private TypedCollection<int> _typedCollection;

        [Params(10, 100, 1000, 100_000)]
        public int N;

        public void Setup()
            var list = Enumerable.Range(1, N).ToArray();

            _untypedCollection = new UntypedCollection<int>(list);
            _typedCollection = new TypedCollection<int>(list);

        [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
        public int untyped_GetEnumerator_var()
            var sum = 0;
            foreach (var item in _untypedCollection)
                sum += (int)item;

            return sum;

        public int untyped_GetEnumerator_explicit()
            var sum = 0;
            foreach (int item in _untypedCollection)
                sum += item;

            return sum;

        public int typed_GetEnumerator_var()
            var sum = 0;
            foreach (var item in _typedCollection)
                sum += item;

            return sum;

        public int typed_GetEnumeratorOfT_explicit()
            var sum = 0;
            foreach (int item in _typedCollection)
                sum += item;

            return sum;

        private class UntypedCollection<T> : IEnumerable
            public UntypedCollection(IList list)
                List = list;

            private IList List { get; }

            public int Property { get; set; }
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => List?.GetEnumerator();

        private class TypedCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>
            public TypedCollection(IList<T> list)
                List = list;

            private IList<T> List { get; }

            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => throw new NotSupportedException(); // ((IEnumerable)List)?.GetEnumerator();

            IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() => ((IEnumerable<T>)List)?.GetEnumerator();

The gains appear substantial, time is a in a order of magnitude, memory off the scales:

Method Toolchain N Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Rank Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
untyped_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 3.1 10 622.00 ns 4.259 ns 3.983 ns 1.00 0.00 2 0.0429 - - 272 B
untyped_GetEnumerator_explicit .NET Core 3.1 10 627.46 ns 5.096 ns 4.255 ns 1.01 0.01 2 0.0429 - - 272 B
typed_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 3.1 10 62.74 ns 0.529 ns 0.469 ns 0.10 0.00 1 0.0050 - - 32 B
typed_GetEnumeratorOfT_explicit .NET Core 3.1 10 62.65 ns 0.495 ns 0.463 ns 0.10 0.00 1 0.0050 - - 32 B
untyped_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 5.0 10 638.19 ns 3.148 ns 2.945 ns 1.00 0.00 3 0.0429 - - 272 B
untyped_GetEnumerator_explicit .NET Core 5.0 10 649.95 ns 3.419 ns 3.031 ns 1.02 0.01 4 0.0429 - - 272 B
typed_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 5.0 10 65.46 ns 1.315 ns 1.292 ns 0.10 0.00 2 0.0050 - - 32 B
typed_GetEnumeratorOfT_explicit .NET Core 5.0 10 62.27 ns 0.618 ns 0.578 ns 0.10 0.00 1 0.0050 - - 32 B
untyped_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 3.1 100 5,962.18 ns 25.594 ns 22.689 ns 1.00 0.00 2 0.3815 - - 2432 B
untyped_GetEnumerator_explicit .NET Core 3.1 100 6,335.70 ns 81.597 ns 72.334 ns 1.06 0.01 3 0.3815 - - 2432 B
typed_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 3.1 100 532.20 ns 10.319 ns 9.652 ns 0.09 0.00 1 0.0048 - - 32 B
typed_GetEnumeratorOfT_explicit .NET Core 3.1 100 528.51 ns 7.519 ns 7.033 ns 0.09 0.00 1 0.0048 - - 32 B
untyped_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 5.0 100 6,179.92 ns 61.956 ns 54.922 ns 1.00 0.00 3 0.3815 - - 2432 B
untyped_GetEnumerator_explicit .NET Core 5.0 100 6,508.18 ns 36.783 ns 30.715 ns 1.05 0.01 4 0.3815 - - 2432 B
typed_GetEnumerator_var .NET Core 5.0 100 549.16 ns 6.002 ns 5.615 ns 0.09 0.00 2 0.0048 - - 32 B
typed_GetEnumeratorOfT_explicit .NET Core 5.0 100 519.67 ns 3.655 ns 3.240 ns 0.08 0.00 1 0.0048 - - 32 B

I trimmed the results to 10 and 100 items, that likely be our major customer use-cases, e.g. tens or hundreds of controls on a Form, rather than thousands.

The full results are here:

weltkante commented 4 years ago

Thanks for checking the numbers, unfortunately I don't think they are achievable. Collection types are designed for .NET 1.0 era API and cannot be upgraded without replacing the inheritance hierarchy entirely (base classes are non-generic and not specific on their content type, also often exposing the underlying non-generic collection to user code). The best we can do is implementing the generic interfaces, not make the collections themselves generic (which is what you measured).

The main goal is getting LINQ support by implementing the generic interfaces (which is mostly harmless regarding compatibility, as far as I understand). The yet to be decided point is how to handle nullability support in WinForms once VS/Roslyn switch in on by default. If WinForms wants to support nullability on its collection types properly (i.e. without workarounds necessary in call sites) it needs to do a binary breaking change at some point.

nawfalhasan commented 4 years ago

I am not sure, but I think it would be totally non-breaking to implement additional interfaces. I mean nobody is asking to take away non-generic IEnumerable, ICollection or IList. All we have to do is implement additional IList<T> etc.

Of course certain things have to remain non-generic. For e.g. ListBox.Items have to be non-generic (or should implement IList<object> which is meh..). But for most collection types like ToolBarCollection should implement IList<ToolBar> (pseudo example).

weltkante commented 4 years ago

@nawfalhasan I've done a prototype and it doesn't work out. While adding interfaces is not binary breaking by itself you quickly run into complications because of the design and usage of base classes, which make it impossible to implement the interfaces correctly and efficiently.

Lessons learned from the prototype why it doesn't work adding the generic interface:

The current idea is to attempt build a secondary set of generic collection properties which live in parallel to the nongeneric ones, so those can be started to obsolete at some point. However that has its own set of complexities keeping the collections in sync and I don't think it will make it for 5.0 either.

nawfalhasan commented 4 years ago

@weltkante makes sense. Let me start by saying this feature request should be least of priorities of WinForms team as it isnt a significant benefit. But let me address each of the points:

  1. More work, but subclasses too should do this. I understand it is incredibly more work to inspect each subclass and figure out which of the derived APIs have to be amended.
  2. I dont get this point honestly
  3. But then public GetEnumerator should be of generic type, and non-generic has to be implemented explicitly. This is a breaking change for many, I know, but a good breaking change :)

Composition approach works too. But I kind of dislike the redundant nature of APIs. Bit confusing. Maybe the ship has sailed, lets leave it this here

weltkante commented 4 years ago
  1. More work, but subclasses too should do this. I understand it is incredibly more work to inspect each subclass and figure out which of the derived APIs have to be amended.

I have inspected and updated each subclass, its a mess due to the other points but doable, this point was about 3rd party subclasses outside the WinForms codebase.

  1. I dont get this point honestly

The base class is used to provide most of the implementation of the collection API. Since its non-generic its implementation and virtual/abstract API is independent of what you actually store in the collection. Making the subclass collections generic means the superclass collection implementation no longer can be used as base of the collection implementation.

You probably need to see it in source or try to implement the interface yourself to understand the full impact on why it makes things complicated. For example if non-generic IEnumerable.GetEnumerator is virtual to be implemented by subclasses you can't just add a virtual generic IEnumerable<object>.GetEnumerator to the base class. My workaround for this is to have three virtual methods for implementing two APIs, so they can properly pingpong between each other. Any other solution I could think of requires breaking the class hierarchy.

  1. But then public GetEnumerator should be of generic type, and non-generic has to be implemented explicitly. This is a breaking change for many, I know, but a good breaking change :)

Thats what I proposed in my first prototype PR (#2749) but it has been rejected for 5.0, the decision is to be able to run your average 3.1 binaries on 5.0 runtime without recompiling.

There is a second PR #2999 which doesn't make the generic GetEnumerator public but it at this point the usefulness of the PR is diminished so much that they decided its not worth take the increase of complexity.

The team first wants to explore alternate solutions of implementing a second set of independent collections, so the API design doesn't need to be compromised, but this means for 5.0 there will probably be no resolution to this issue.

Composition approach works too. But I kind of dislike the redundant nature of APIs. Bit confusing. Maybe the ship has sailed, lets leave it this here

Not sure what you mean with composition. The ship (probably) sailed for the .NET 5.0 release since the decision on binary compatibility was made and any alternative solution will need quite some time to prototype and explore. My own prototyping (not made public yet) doesn't make me confident that I can pull off something mergeable since maintaining two collection instances is beyond the complexity I'm comfortable with implementing. It seems doable but I don't have the time to pull it off.

chrarnoldus commented 4 years ago

Added alternate PR #2999 which has no public API change expect adding new interfaces. This allows LINQ support and nullability annotations, but the annotations won't work for foreach loops.

There is a second PR #2999 which doesn't make the generic GetEnumerator public but it at this point the usefulness of the PR is diminished so much that they decided its not worth take the increase of complexity.

Fwiw there is a precendent for doing something like that:

Also even with an explicit interface implementation you can easily do a foreach loop using the generic enumerator by using the AsEnumerable extension method:

foreach (var c in collection.AsEnumerable()) {
    // c has the correct type here
weltkante commented 4 years ago

@merriemcgaw I don't think anyone is working on this, so tagging as 5.0 is probably wrong.

The two prototypes I made turned out to be dead ends as far as compatibility is concerned, and I'm not comfortable with managing the complexity of two distinct collection implementations. (I've yet to share the experiments I made for the latter, I don't have it high on my priorities, but if someone else needs this info of why this is so complex feel free to ping me and I'll try to prioritize writing a summary/explanation of my findings.)

merriemcgaw commented 4 years ago

I'll remove the milestone and move it to future. Bummer that you ran into dead ends. If we get specific queries about it I'll be sure to reach out so that you can write up what you found, but there's no pressing reason at the moment. Thanks so much for evaluating this!

elachlan commented 1 year ago

@RussKie Would the team be against PRs changing non-public arraylist usage to List<T> where appropriate?

RussKie commented 1 year ago

I believe, such change is quite welcome :)