dovydaskukalis / nodebb-plugin-twitter

NodeBB Plugin that allows users to embed tweets inline in their posts
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
3 stars 11 forks source link

it doesn't seem to be working anymore #2

Closed giorgiochiodi closed 10 years ago

giorgiochiodi commented 10 years ago

Or I'm doing something wrong.

dovydaskukalis commented 10 years ago

Hi. Do you get any errors in console or can you give me your website url?

giorgiochiodi commented 10 years ago

Sorry, it was in fact working. Just needed on more restart cicle in nodebb!

giorgiochiodi commented 10 years ago

by the way, if the twitter links contains /photo/1, it is not possible to embed. Would it be possible to validate the url somehow?

dovydaskukalis commented 10 years ago

Aah, good catch, didn't test with images. Will find some time on weekend to fix it

giorgiochiodi commented 10 years ago

no probs, for now I'm telling everyone to delete it but for some reason twitter sometimes points to photo/1, randomly

giorgiochiodi commented 10 years ago

type error 3

hello another problem, I'm getting this error sometimes. we are using and https connection, could that be the problem?

dovydaskukalis commented 10 years ago

/photo/1 should be fixed, your error in screenshot probably too, because I changed url from https to auto.

giorgiochiodi commented 10 years ago

You're awesome, we'll test it tomorrow!

— Giorgio Chiodi

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 6:56 PM, dovydaskukalis wrote:

/photo/1 should be fixed, your error in screenshot probably too, because I changed url from https to auto.

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