dphuang2 / PoGoBag

Analyze and share your Pokémon through a locally run server! Official Site access has been stopped as of 12/23/2016
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Poke::API::Errors::LoginFailure #104

Open G-E-N-E opened 7 years ago

G-E-N-E commented 7 years ago

Noticed on the official site when it was up that the refresh was not actually updating the bag. This continued when I setup a local instance and here is the error. `[2017-01-03T00:03:03-05:00]: DEBUG > Poke::API::Auth::GOOGLE --: [>] Fetching Google access token Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1895ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)

Poke::API::Errors::LoginFailure (Unable to login to GOOGLE => [Unable to login to Google, could not find => Token in {"Error"=>"BadAuthentication"} @ $INSTALL_PATH/lib/poke-api/auth/google.rb:71:in perform_request']): Initial sign in with google seems to work, and update if I re-signin.

Known Issue that you have to get a new authorization key every time you want to update your bag?

Gladiator10864 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I've been experiencing the same issue. Though as you said, you can still get around this by getting a new token. Not sure yet why it fails the first time.