dradovic / MigSharp

Mig# (MigSharp) is a .NET framework for database migrations and versioning
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Use MigSharp from Asp.NET MVC App #32

Closed lprada closed 9 years ago

lprada commented 13 years ago

Anyone has set the upgrade in a mvc app? How? any ideas?


dradovic commented 11 years ago

Did you figure out how to use Mig# from a MVC app? I'm not using MVC so I can't really help you but I guess there is nothing special about the MVC scenario. You just use Mig# when it is appropriate to update your database. Or am I missing something here?

dradovic commented 9 years ago

We are using Mig# from a MVC project with no problems. The back-end takes care of updating the database schema when required.