dragfyre / bahai-date-api

RESTful API for the Baha'i (Badi) calendar.
ISC License
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bahai calendar

Baháʼí Date RESTful API

So far, there are three endpoints for this API:

POST /today

Returns today's date according to the Baháʼí/Badí' calendar via POST request.

GET /today

Returns today's date according to the Baháʼí/Badí' calendar via GET request (as HTML).

GET /date

Given a date from the Gregorian calendar defined via GET data, returns the corresponding date in the Baháʼí calendar (as JSON).

Public endpoints

Public endpoints are now available on bahai-browser.org:

/today - https://bahai-browser.org/today

/date - https://bahai-browser.org/date


To launch the API server, simply navigate to the main folder and type npm start.


From either endpoint, the output is returned in a similar format: a JSON object containing a message, a Baháʼí calendar date, and a Gregorian date/time.


URL: localhost:1844/today

    "message": "Today is 13 Masá’il 174",
    "badi_date": {
        "year": 174,
        "month": 14,
        "day": 13,
        "month_name": "Masá’il",
        "timezone_id": "Asia/Jerusalem"
    "greg_date": {
        "year": 2017,
        "month": 12,
        "day": 5,
        "hour": 23,
        "minute": 19,
        "second": 12,
        "timezoneOffset": 0


Available parameters include:

May 23, 1844

URL: localhost:1844/date?year=1844&month=5&day=23&hour=20&minute=45


    "message": "The date is: 8 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur) 1 B.E.",
    "badi_date": {
        "year": 1,
        "month": 3,
        "day": 8,
        "month_name": "‘Aẓamat (Grandeur)",
        "timezone_id": "Asia/Jerusalem"
    "greg_date": {
        "year": 1844,
        "month": 5,
        "day": 23,
        "hour": 20,
        "minute": 45,
        "second": 0,
        "timezoneOffset": -480

February 15, 2014

URL: localhost:1844/date?year=2014&month=2&day=15&hour=13&minute=45


    "message": "The date is: 9 Mulk (Dominion) 170 B.E.",
    "badi_date": {
        "year": 170,
        "month": 18,
        "day": 9,
        "month_name": "Mulk (Dominion)",
        "timezone_id": "Asia/Jerusalem"
    "greg_date": {
        "year": 2014,
        "month": 2,
        "day": 15,
        "hour": 13,
        "minute": 45,
        "second": 0,
        "timezoneOffset": -485

CLI usage
