drhelius / Gearcoleco

ColecoVision emulator for macOS, Windows, Linux, BSD and RetroArch.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No bios error #49

Closed new-penguin closed 6 months ago

new-penguin commented 6 months ago

OS: EndeavorOS with latest Retroarch and updated core

I've searched for a couple hours but I can't seem to get the Gearcoleco core working; I keep getting the "no bios" screen. I have "colecovision.rom" with md5 checksum 2c66f5911e5b42b8ebe113403548eee7 in my retroarch --> system directory. I've tried placing the rom in system --> bios directory as well but no luck. The Retroarch desktop menu detects my bios and says it's correct so I don't know what else I can do.

drhelius commented 6 months ago

Could you rebuild the core from sources? If so, you may activate debug traces. This will print a lot of info in stdout and you can see what is going on when loading the BIOS: make clean && DEBUG=1 make

drhelius commented 6 months ago

Also, could you share the full path to your BIOS file?

new-penguin commented 6 months ago

Full path is /home/tux/.config/retroarch/system/colecovision.rom.

I built it from source using the AUR and it worked, no problem with the bios or loading a game. Downloading the standalone compiled version here results in "error while loading shared libraries: libGLEW.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I didn't install the gearcoleco core from source though and I'm not sure how. Is it an official core that you endorse? I'd love to have it work with Retroarch.

Edit: Sorry, just now read the readme "NOTE: You may need to install libsdl2 and libglew".

new-penguin commented 6 months ago

Ok, I managed to build the libretro core successfully using your instructions "make clean && DEBUG=1 make". Of course it was still giving the "no bios" screen. I don't know how to debug and give you relevant info but I can probably figure it out.

Ok, I managed to get some error output which I copied to a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Wfz3drSs

The file exceeded what I could host so I just cut off most of the error output as it was redundant, I'm guessing. I'll look more into the error it showed of "problem opening the file" regarding the bios.

Edit: I think I've identified the issue. I'm just not sure how or why it's expecting the bios to be in my other games folder when I've set Retroarch to expect bios files in the system directory. I might just figure this out soon. Sorry to waste your time but I think this is on my end.

Edit 2: I figured it out, duh. It's expecting my colecovision.rom to be in my games folder, not system, so as soon as I copied it to my games folder it works as expected now. Thanks for your time and creating great software.

drhelius commented 6 months ago

Great to know you figured it out!

Do you know why was it expecting the bios to be placed in the games directory instead? Is this something you changed in RA?

new-penguin commented 6 months ago

As far as I know, the only relevant setting in RA is the system/BIOS directory that you can change and it's set to the default where RA is installed, the usual retroarch/system directory.

My retroarch.cfg has:

system_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/system" systemfiles_in_content_dir = "true"

I can't find anything in the config even mentioning my colecovision games directory so I'm not sure why something in the code or config is pointing to it.

drhelius commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the clarification. On my side I'm getting whatever RA has configured for the system directory so in your case it should get the correct directory. systemfiles_in_content_dir=true is probably why it is trying the games directory instead. Thanks for the help.

new-penguin commented 6 months ago

systemfiles_in_content_dir=true is probably why it is trying the games directory instead.

You're right. I wasn't thinking about that part. I don't think I changed that setting but at this point, I don't know. I've been awake way too long setting up and configuring RA so I might be wrong. Sorry to waste your time while I overlooked something that should've been obvious.

drhelius commented 6 months ago

No problem!