drobilla / serd

A lightweight C library for RDF syntax
ISC License
86 stars 15 forks source link

Buggy occurrence of semicolon does not give an error #6

Closed wouterbeek closed 6 years ago

wouterbeek commented 6 years ago

The following buggy Turtle snippet is processed by Serd:

<x:y> ; <x:y> <x:y> .

Serd does not parse a triple, but it also does not given an error.

Tested on Serd 0.29.1.

drobilla commented 6 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/drobilla/serd/commit/91650728254f98e5949b28e3ad7bdac29047d2ae

I need to do some work on the test running glue to ensure that error messages are actually produced for failing cases one of these days...