drone / go-convert

Package convert provides tools for converting pipeline configuration files to the Drone format.
Apache License 2.0
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[github] support expressions #41

Open jimsheldon opened 1 year ago

jimsheldon commented 1 year ago

An expression can be any combination of literal values, references to a context, or functions. You can combine literals, context references, and functions using operators.

We should have a way of converting GitHub expressions (${{ ... }})into Harness expressions (<+ ... >).


jimsheldon commented 1 year ago

There are expressions that may not be supported in Harness CI, such as hashFiles.

jimsheldon commented 1 year ago

I think as part of this, we need a package within go-convert that lets us define things like <+trigger.prNumber> and <+trigger.payload.pull_request.body> in one place.