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Pairwise Euclidian distance #12

Closed sophiacofone closed 1 year ago

sophiacofone commented 1 year ago

this brings in the script used to generate the new meta data, and a script for testing it with logreg.

jhautala commented 1 year ago

looks good to me, though I don't think we need to modify the .gitignore; if we don't want "merged_landmarks_dist.csv" in the repo, we can just delete, unless you want to keep it locally and exclude from repo... (I can help if you have Git questions)

sophiacofone commented 1 year ago

looks good to me, though I don't think we need to modify the .gitignore; if we don't want "merged_landmarks_dist.csv" in the repo, we can just delete, unless you want to keep it locally and exclude from repo... (I can help if you have Git questions)

The file is too big to upload to git, so I was adding to the gitignore so I can use it locally and not have to exclude it every time I push a commit

jhautala commented 1 year ago

ohh, right... forgot about the size thing; good enough!

sophiacofone commented 1 year ago

Looks good. We'll have to add a rule to makefile for creating the euclidean distances and then update preprocessing.md with that command right?

Yes, there is a shell for a make command in the processing.md right now, but its not active yet as i think we are still deciding on how to handle it