dsccommunity / AzureDevOpsDsc

This module contains DSC resources for deployment and configuration of initially Azure DevOps Services and later Azure DevOps Server.
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AzureDevsOpsDsc: Make use of either PowerShell module VSTeam or PSDevOps #27

Open johlju opened 3 years ago

johlju commented 3 years ago

We should investigate if it possible to use either the module VSTeam or PSDevOps instead of inventing the wheel again. If we choose to do so, then we should make sure PR's does not add functionality that should be contributed to the module we choose.

From @kilasuit in PR #7:

I had initially intended to make use of either VSTeam or PSDevOps as the base module for this and essentially build wrappers around either of them. However lets keep on track with what you've built so far here & discuss down the line about whether or not we go down differing path.

A dependent module could be added in a similar way as the module DscResource.Common is used.

johlju commented 3 years ago


Project Site: https://github.com/MethodsAndPractices/vsteam PowerShell Gallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/VSTeam


Project Site: https://github.com/StartAutomating/PSDevOps PowerShell Gallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSDevOps

SebastianSchuetze commented 2 years ago

Hi @johlju are you still on it? I am a maintainer of the VSTeam module. Seems like to activity since the beginning of the year.

I might help you to get some light into what VSTeam supports. Which is actually a lot I think. It is mainly wrapping API 1:1 and additional having some higher abstracted cmdlets.

On order to have a DSC module working properly and easy to extend. This might help.

kilasuit commented 2 years ago

@SebastianSchuetze - I am the core maintainer and unfortunately due to other more pressing matters last year (I do volunteer vaccinating) & also moving house this project has been a little left to the side. However I am picking this back up from today as I will be presenting at PSConfEU in Vienna this June on this module and the full process in building it for the gallery.

I have used VSTeam in the past and followed it since it was very early days in development & was one of my main reasons for looking to use it as a base module in this DSC Resource Module is that it has a good surface area to the API's for what we would need for resources in this module. Give me this weekend coming to get my project plan for the upcoming months in place and I'll reach out to you to chat more (I've Just followed you on Twitter btw)

SebastianSchuetze commented 2 years ago

Cool. Hit me with info as soon as you are ready.

SebastianSchuetze commented 2 years ago

Any update how to proceed?