dscgt / recycling_website

Admin website for GT OSWM&R.
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Expose in-progress routes in the admin website UI #64

Open michaelyfan opened 3 years ago

michaelyfan commented 3 years ago

Currently, crewmembers using the route-recorder app have the option to save routes to resume at a later date. This is useful when, for example, a route takes a really long time to complete so crewmembers will split the work between one or two days. This allows crewmembers to save their work without submitting/finishing a route.

Admins using the admin website should be able to view all routes which are currently saved but unfinished. This could be exposed on the homepage (home.component.html and its related files).

Saved routes are stored in a Firebase Firestore collection called route_records_in_progress, more information about their structure here: https://github.com/dscgt/route_recorder/tree/master/models The goal is to take everything in the route_records_in_progress collection and show it in the UI somehow.

Please ask for assistance if any of this is unclear. Happy to clarify.


Note that the website will use an emulated Firestore instance when in development mode (i.e. when started with npm start), and because the emulated Firestore instance is empty by default, route_records_in_progress will be empty too, and you won't have anything to show. To give yourself some data, you can create a route_records_in_progress collection and some documents with the emulated Firestore UI, following the structure in the aforementioned link.

Creating your own documents is annoying and might take a while, but you should only have to do this once; you can then export whatever you've created and import them on your next npm start run (see more here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/emulator-suite/install_and_configure#export_and_import_emulator_data) by changing the emulate script in package.json.

Getting data: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/get-data and https://github.com/angular/angularfire#developer-guide