dslm4515 / CMLFS

Clang-Built Musl Linux From Scratch
MIT License
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Section 0-Preparation - TRUPLE phrase, may be TRIPLE? #58

Closed Cerberios closed 2 years ago

Cerberios commented 2 years ago

Hello there! First of all, thank You for great tutorial.

Please, look over - https://github.com/dslm4515/CMLFS/blob/master/0-Preparation Line 98 and 109; seems there misprint occur - TRUPLE phrase, may be TRIPLE? Please, fix! Thanks!

Cerberios commented 2 years ago

Also, please look over data below. Section 2-llvmtools/07-clang-llvm

Set the truples...

export CONFIG_TRUPLES+="-DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-pc-linux-musl " export CONFIG_TRUPLES="-DLLVM_HOST_TRIPLE=x86_64-cmlfs-linux-musl " export CONFIG_TRUPLES="-DCOMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-pc-linux-musl "

Question: why there symbol "+" not available for string 2 and 3? IMO, in such case this variable will be redefined with last string and NOT concatenated?? And for config will be passed ONLY ONE parameter instead of 3? Please fix in case it is misprint. Thanks!

dslm4515 commented 2 years ago

Truple: Originally, I mistyped "tuple" source

So yes, technically it should be tuple and not truple\triple.

Here are some examples:



dslm4515 commented 2 years ago

I replaced all instances of TRUPLE with TUPLE

Commit 61ac68e