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error fetching fields for index pattern winlogbeat: Not Found #20

Closed henry88521 closed 4 years ago

henry88521 commented 4 years ago

不知道有沒有人跟我遇到一樣的問題 問題 已經好幾個小時卡在這了 winlogbeat就照著官網改,然後改用logstash連線 start-service winlogbeat之後在kibana上怎麼跑都一樣

唯一想到可能的bug是官網說要連至logstash下這條 .\winlogbeat.exe setup --template -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E 'output.elasticsearch.hosts=[""]' 可是他只會噴 問題2 而且我做完的朋友跟我說不用下 .\winlogbeat setup的指令(?)

dsnslab commented 4 years ago

Hi, You've used the wrong index pattern. Please go to the "create index pattern" to see which pattern you should use. You can refer to #16. For the winlogbeat, you can use .\winlogbeat.exe -e to run it.