dtinth / jamulus-lounge

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Repurpose Lounge to replace jamulus-php? #5

Open mcfnord opened 1 year ago

mcfnord commented 1 year ago


I rely on https://github.com/softins/jamulus-php to gather current details about every connection on every public server.

This PHP briefly connects to each server to gather each connection's username, instrument, and location.

I have considered re-implementing this by repurposing lounge.

However, I know lounge cannot connect to every server. (I wonder why?) I also have heard that the PHP code might just trigger initial connection steps, while the lounge code establishes a stream. Maybe lounge only fails in a later step. So maybe lounge's Go could replace the PHP for this essential data service.

The most valuable piece of new data I want is the "you're muted" state for every channel. I would like to identify servers where nobody can hear a new joiner. Levels are also informative, because I could probably identify silent servers.

Do you think the lounge Go could be repurposed to replace and extend jamulus-php?

dtinth commented 1 year ago