duanyuqi987 / YAJUNblog

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公开课与资料 #24

Open duanyuqi987 opened 4 years ago

duanyuqi987 commented 4 years ago

图像处理 Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital [[couresa Duke]](Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital) Deep Bayes 2019[url] DeepLearning.ai C4W1L01[url] 数学推荐[url] 2019 CIFAR DLRL Summer School Lectures & ZBengio深度学习&强化学习暑期班课程[url] Neral Networks: Tricks of the Trade[url] 迁移学习简明手册[url] 机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、NLP面试中常考到的知识点和代码实现[url] PyData NYC python 和 Machine Learning[url] Hacker Tools程序员超实用工具课程[url] Cousera[url] The Age of A.I. (AI纪录片)[url] Learn TensorFlow in 3 Hours [url] CVSS 2019 Computational Vision Summer School [url] NIPS 2019 Hightlight papers [url]

Advanced AI Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python [url]

编程随想电子书 目录 [github] fun with graphics 图像学相关课程、书籍、教程[github] Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap [github] CMU2020深度学习进阶 [url] 【公开课】旷视x北大《深度学习实践》(28课时全) [bilibili] Introducing to Parallel Programming [udacity cs344] [nvidia] 纽约大学《深度学习(PyTorch)》课程(2020) by yann Lecun, Alfredo Canziani [bilibili] 机器学习进阶列表公开课 [reddit] 【2020伯克利】深度无监督学习 [bilibili]

duanyuqi987 commented 4 years ago


duanyuqi987 commented 4 years ago


duanyuqi987 commented 4 years ago
