ducakar / TextureReplacer

KSP plugin for texture replacement, Kerbal personalisation and reflections.
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Backpack UV mapping issue #18

Open hemeac opened 4 years ago

hemeac commented 4 years ago

When using TextureReplacer to replace the backpack, it appears the UV map gets squished to a 1 pixel at the far right of the image. For this test, I created a 2k texture map with the first 2046 columns all white. I tested it in a clean install so should not be due to installation issues given that other textures appear to have imported correctly. This is from my post on your forum from last month, but can provide log files if that may assist.

(https://imgur.com/LLp4oa7) (https://imgur.com/slvB4RJ)

ducakar commented 4 years ago

This seems to be a KSP bug. Parachute backpack texture is handled exactly the same as the cargo backpack one, but the issue only appears on the parachute backpack. I don't touch UV mappings anywhere.

It works fine If you put parachute backpack texture into Default/, so it is replaced on the prefab model rather than the actual one.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix it.

hemeac commented 4 years ago

That's disappointing, was hoping to make some class specific "wear and tear". Thanks for checking into the issue.