duck7000 / imdbGraphQLPHP

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Time for a name change? #59

Closed duck7000 closed 1 month ago

duck7000 commented 1 month ago

@GeorgeFive @all

Maybe it is time to change the name of this repo? I get the feeling that most people who come here think that this is a fork or clone of imdbphp, although i made that very clear that is not the case. The name of my repo is in that sense too much the same as imdbphp so i think about to change it

Suggestions are welcome!

I'm thinking about this:

imdbGraphQL imdbPHPAPI imdbAPI imdbGraphQLApi imdbGraphQLPhpApi imdbGraphQLPhpAPI imdbPhpGraphQL imdbPHPGraphQL

GeorgeFive commented 1 month ago

I'm not opposed to the idea... maybe imdbPHPGraphQL to cover all bases?

duck7000 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your suggestion, i like that one too although it might be too long?

Maybe this is better? imdbGraphQL

GeorgeFive commented 1 month ago

The only thing I was thinking of is google / github traffic. If I was searching for a library like this, I would immediately search for "imdb php" or something like that. I know it uses graphql, but I wouldn't search for that if I was looking for something like this...

duck7000 commented 1 month ago

Mm good point, thanks

imdbGraphQLPHP? That follows the name scheme of my other projects like musicBrainzPHP and discogsPHP

GeorgeFive commented 1 month ago

That would work!

mosource21 commented 1 month ago

imdbGraphQLPHP? That follows the name scheme of my other projects like musicBrainzPHP and discogsPHP

I like this for being descriptive and much better than the current name which makes it seem like it only works with PHP v6

duck7000 commented 1 month ago

@mosource21 Thanks, this is also a good point.

I have decided to make it imdbGraphQLPHP

Thanks everyone for thinking about this.