This is the line in question. Seems like a Python 2/3 issue. Not sure why it installs to python3.6 as I explicitly installed with the pip2 installation instructions:
dts : Traceback (most recent call last):
: File "/home/breandan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 38, in cli_main
: cli_main_()
: File "/home/breandan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 106, in cli_main_
: shell.onecmd(cmdline)
: File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 217, in onecmd
: return func(arg)
: File "/home/breandan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 409, in <lambda>
: do_command_lam = lambda s, w: do_command(klass, s, w)
: File "/home/breandan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 41, in do_command
: cls.commands[word].do_command(cls.commands[word], shell, ' '.join(parts[1:]))
: File "/home/breandan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 52, in do_command
: cls.command(shell, args)
: File "/home/breandan/.dt-shell/commands/challenges/evaluator/", line 190, in command
: logs += c
: TypeError: must be str, not bytes
dts : Please report that you are using:
: duckietown-shell: 3.0.30
: duckietown-shell-commands: 1.0.14
: python: "3.6.6 (default, Sep 12 2018, 18:26:19) \n[GCC 8.0.1 20180414 (experimental)\
: \ [trunk revision 259383]]"
This is the line in question. Seems like a Python 2/3 issue. Not sure why it installs to
as I explicitly installed with the pip2 installation instructions: