Closed FUJI-AF closed 5 years ago
this is a problem with your Docker configuration. what dts shell command are you running? One possibility is that in a previous step you have set export DOCKER_HOST=![duckiebot_name]
and now it is trying to run Docker commands on the duckiebot that should be run on the laptop. For this I prefer to manually specify the host where the Docker commands should be run:
$ docker -H ![duckiebot_name].local ....
I tried this commands.
I think Docker is either not installed correctly or not the daemon is not running on our laptop.
Can you try
$ docker ps
and put the output here?
Also note that you have to add your user to the docker group and then log out and log back in as described in Sec. 1.3 here
Does 'whoami'
need to change?
The docker was masked and it was not working. Docker is started service.
dts duckiebot keyboard_control <hostname>
is executed and the window pops up, but the motor does not move even if I press the arrow key.
$ docker -H hostname.local run -dit --privileged --name joystick --network=host -v /data:/data duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-joystick-demo:master18
This container I removed. and put again. Then the motor moved.
An error occurs in motor calibration.
What value should be entered for trim value? Also, what are the upper and lower limits of it?
the service should be available if things are running properly. Can you run
$ rosservice list
and post the output?
Thank you for the reply. This is output.
I closed issue by mistake.
any dts commands become to failed....