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dts commands become to failed.. #42

Closed FUJI-AF closed 5 years ago

FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2019-02-19 12-04-45

any dts commands become to failed....

liampaull commented 5 years ago

this is a problem with your Docker configuration. what dts shell command are you running? One possibility is that in a previous step you have set export DOCKER_HOST=![duckiebot_name] and now it is trying to run Docker commands on the duckiebot that should be run on the laptop. For this I prefer to manually specify the host where the Docker commands should be run:

$ docker -H ![duckiebot_name].local ....
FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2019-02-20 17-10-12 screenshot from 2019-02-20 17-10-21

I tried this commands.

liampaull commented 5 years ago

I think Docker is either not installed correctly or not the daemon is not running on our laptop.

Can you try

$ docker ps

and put the output here?

liampaull commented 5 years ago

Also note that you have to add your user to the docker group and then log out and log back in as described in Sec. 1.3 here

FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

1.3-(3) Does 'whoami' need to change?

FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

The docker was masked and it was not working. Docker is started service.


dts duckiebot keyboard_control <hostname> is executed and the window pops up, but the motor does not move even if I press the arrow key.

FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

$ docker -H hostname.local run -dit --privileged --name joystick --network=host -v /data:/data duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-joystick-demo:master18 This container I removed. and put again. Then the motor moved.

FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2019-02-27 17-40-45 An error occurs in motor calibration.

What value should be entered for trim value? Also, what are the upper and lower limits of it?

liampaull commented 5 years ago

the service should be available if things are running properly. Can you run

$ rosservice list

and post the output?

FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

screenshot from 2019-02-28 17-12-12 Thank you for the reply. This is output.

FUJI-AF commented 5 years ago

I closed issue by mistake.