duffelhq / paginator

Cursor-based pagination for Elixir Ecto
MIT License
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Missing tag 1.3.0 #199

Open bwan-nan opened 6 months ago

bwan-nan commented 6 months ago

Hello! 👋 Is it possible to create release tag 1.3.0 or 1.2.1 please? I am referencing this package in my project as follows:

defp deps do
  {:paginator, "~> 1.2.0"}

but there are several commits including this PR that are not tagged yet.

I did change my deps definition to: {:paginator, git: "git@github.com:duffelhq/paginator.git", branch: "main"} but I think it would be better to just create a new tag because I would not want major updates to break my code 🙏

freemer commented 1 month ago

@bwan-nan Just a heads up that you can also point to a specific commit in your mix.exs file like so:

{:paginator, github: "duffelhq/paginator", commit: "96ef4bfee8182ea99d225d4e32190d6857c29d10"}

which will avoid the issue of updates to main breaking your code.

The downside to both these approaches is that using git instead of hex to pull in a dep doesn't populate the dep's dependencies in the mix.lock, so ... bump! :D