dufoli / Salesforce-Inspector-Advanced

Chrome extension to add a metadata layout on top of the standard Salesforce UI to improve the productivity and joy of Salesforce configuration, development, and integration.
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plateform event Manager #15

Closed dufoli closed 4 months ago

dufoli commented 6 months ago

Plateform event page


A second need is to be able to register an app to check if event is well fired on server side.

to analyze: https://docs.cometd.org/current/reference/#_cometd_browser_support https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/client/eventbridge/command/PutEventsCommand/

dufoli commented 6 months ago

example of error on event relay : You've exceeded the event delivery limit for your org. More details = [ Code [relay.aqueduct.tenant.limit.error], Message [RateLimitingException: RateLimitResponse{overallCode=OVER_LIMIT, statuses=[DescriptorStatus{name=EmpHighVolumePlatformEventPerDayDeliveryRateLimit, code=OVER_LIMIT, entry=[Limit, EmpHighVolumePlatformEventPerDayDeliveryRateLimit, OrganizationId, 00D0Y000001IuuP], requested=5, available=0, window=24x1h, allocation=25000, durationUntilReset=1090s}]}] ].