Opinions differ on this, but I think a punchy one page "espresso" version, is better than a more watered down two pager ("americano" or "cappucino") where you've had to add filler and spacing to pad it out to two pages. There are advantages and disadvantages of both styles of delivery, but advantages of a one pager include:
You're making it easier for your reader by focusing their attention on the important stuff. Their burden of reading is lowered especially if they are trawling hundreds of CVs - which they probably will be see e.g. practicaltypography.com/resumes.html
You are less likely to waffle and pad it out to fill the space
It forces you to think about what's most important and why, while you concentrate on articulating that clearly and concisely
So I reckon a two pager is fine as a record of everything you've ever done (or later in your career when you have more to talk about), while the one pager is the customised version you tailor to specific jobs or roles you are targeting
I've tried to summarise some of the issues here, but theres no right or wrong answers, just lots of contradictory opinions!
Opinions differ on this, but I think a punchy one page "espresso" version, is better than a more watered down two pager ("americano" or "cappucino") where you've had to add filler and spacing to pad it out to two pages. There are advantages and disadvantages of both styles of delivery, but advantages of a one pager include:
So I reckon a two pager is fine as a record of everything you've ever done (or later in your career when you have more to talk about), while the one pager is the customised version you tailor to specific jobs or roles you are targeting
I've tried to summarise some of the issues here, but theres no right or wrong answers, just lots of contradictory opinions!