durch / rust-s3

Rust library for interfacing with S3 API compatible services
MIT License
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Rework presign_post to be correct #358

Closed urkle closed 11 months ago

urkle commented 1 year ago

@durch please provide commends on code-style choices and contracts.

Right now this is a fully working model to get presigned posts actually working based on the documentation from these pages

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPOST.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-HTTPPOSTConstructPolicy.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-post-example.html

I even got the same exact signature when faking the dates and base64 payload as the post-example 😄 I had to fake the payload as their example has things pretty formatted and the hash is in a slightly different order.

Reference: #339

urkle commented 1 year ago

@durch Do you have any feedback on this?

One change I'm thinking about is making the field maps a Cow instead to reduce copies for largely static strings.

urkle commented 1 year ago

I pushed a fixup commit that switches to Cow for the PostPolicy. let me know if that is better and I'll squash the commits down.

FYI. I'm using this all locally in a project. It seems all of the S3 libraries for rust seem to lack PresignedPost support even amazon's.

yallxe commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this? What is the status of this PR?

urkle commented 1 year ago

@yallxe you can point your Cargo.toml to this branch to test it locally and verify it works for you as well (vs just me).

Add this section to your Cargo.toml

rust-s3 = { git = "https://github.com/urkle/rust-s3", branch = "feat-fix-presigned-post" }
Leonils commented 1 year ago

Hello @urkle. Nice work on this api.

One detail though, I think the documentation test does not compile. Am I wrong? Following your unit test structure, I would rather assume that

    /// Get a presigned url for posting an object to a given path
    /// # Example:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use s3::bucket::Bucket;
    /// use s3::creds::Credentials;
    /// use s3::post_policy::*;
    /// use http::HeaderMap;
    /// use http::header::HeaderName;
+    /// use std::borrow::Cow;
    /// let bucket_name = "rust-s3-test";
    /// let region = "us-east-1".parse().unwrap();
    /// let credentials = Credentials::default().unwrap();
    /// let bucket = Bucket::new(bucket_name, region, credentials).unwrap();
    /// let post_policy = PostPolicy::new(86400).condition(
    ///     PostPolicyField::Key,
-    ///     PostPolicyValue::StartsWith("user/user1/".to_string())
+    ///     PostPolicyValue::StartsWith(Cow::Borrowed("user/user1/"))
    /// );
-    /// let (url, fields) = bucket.presign_post(post_policy).unwrap();
+   /// let PresignedPost { url, fields, .. } = bucket.presign_post(post_policy).unwrap();
-    /// println!("Presigned url: {}, fields: {}", url, fields);
+    /// println!("Presigned url: {}, fields: {?:}", url, fields);
    /// ```
Leonils commented 1 year ago

Just for further context, in the AWS API,

urkle commented 1 year ago

One detail though, I think the documentation test does not compile. Am I wrong? Following your unit test structure, I would rather assume that

* the policies values are expected to be Cows smart pointers, not strings

* the result is a structure, not just a tuple, and the fields do not implement the `Display` trait

Thanks for catching this. Originally I had just strings and switched it to Cow in a followup commit but forgot to re-run example tests. And at one point it was a tuple, but I reworked it as things became more complex.

I'll update these doc examples and ensure ALL tests are passing :)

durch commented 11 months ago

@urkle wow, great work, thanks for your patience, I come back to this repo in bursts, this looks great

urkle commented 11 months ago
