durixx / library_frontend

angular project for library
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Message log #8

Open durixx opened 1 year ago

durixx commented 1 year ago

Create component that will be responsible for showing messages success message - green bar with tick icon warning message - orange bar with exclamation in triangle error message - red bar with cross1 info message - blue bar with i symbol

example image message will be displayed in top right corner and will last for 4 seconds

if you will hover on message the timer to hide message will reset and only after focused out of message the message is hidden after 4 seconds

component will be located in scr > app > shared > message-log

there will be service(singleton) avilable that will contains methods to show message for example service.success(messageToOutput:string), service.error(...)

there will be also button that if clicked message bar will get closed instantly

durixx commented 1 year ago

Iteration 3: 5h remaining