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Custom integration Webrtc with your dashboard #144

Open besiktas97 opened 2 years ago

besiktas97 commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to use the integration webrtc with your dashboard? When I am using the generic camera, the sound isn't working throught this way. With webrtc the sync and sound is working perfect and was asking myself if it is possible to let it work with your dashboard?

Sjeiz commented 1 year ago

No answer yet? Interested in this too. When I add the custom webrtc to dwains dashboard, I can see the mini version, but I can't open it (full screen) on an Android phone.

besiktas97 commented 1 year ago

Nope not a answer yet. I can see also the same in a mini version, but I can do a full screen on our wall mounted ipad.