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Dwains Dashboard Blueprints
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Multi-VLAN Page #76

Open LordNex opened 2 years ago

LordNex commented 2 years ago

Any chance of creating a page with multiple NIC selections? Many of us use segmented networks where HA has a connection to each and thus has several IP addresses depending on what VLAN that nic is connected too

Holewijn commented 2 years ago

A page dedicated to only VLANs or and edit of a blueprint?

LordNex commented 2 years ago

Either or both would work. I have 4 NICs my Home Assistant server is using. One for each vlan it need to cover.

LordNex commented 7 months ago

It would be nice to have a dashboard that can enumerate and monitor each VLAN and show what data isntransdered via which adapter. Although there is an issue with the default subnet which I have a ticket out for.

OutOfThisPlanet commented 7 months ago

I have 6 different networks which my HA is attached to. Each on a different VLAN.

VLAN tagging support would be great, however I work around that with Proxmox. Proxmox is VLAN aware (both at the bridge and interface level), however if I were to host HA on a PI, VLAN Tagging would not be an option.

Being able to set the default interface is the most important thing I want!!

This workaround is good, but I shouldn't have to do this:


LordNex commented 7 months ago

I have 6 different networks which my HA is attached to.

Each on a different VLAN.

VLAN tagging support would be great, however I work around that with Proxmox.

Proxmox is VLAN aware (both at the bridge and interface level), however if I were to host HA on a PI, VLAN Tagging would not be an option.

Being able to set the default interface is the most important thing I want!!

This workaround is good, but I shouldn't have to do this:


Luckily VMWare ESXi is also VLAN aware. You build a vSwitch and tie it to the LACP tagged group coming off your server if it's multi homed. I'm running off a Dell PowerEdge R620 with 4 Intel gigabit adapters LACP/LAG'd together. But I'm still having issues trying to keep the adapter I want as the primary interface. Although the trusted networks addition has seemed to help at least keeping my phones and tablets running internal instead of dropping out to Nabu.casa. I just wish Starlink would provide a public IPv4