dwyl / comments-you-will-regret-blocker-chrome-extension

:speak_no_evil: [WiP] A Chrome Extension that monitors comments typed into a textarea and blocks you from posting silly things you will regret!
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 1 forks source link

We need artwork! #2

Open ryanpcmcquen opened 7 years ago

ryanpcmcquen commented 7 years ago

Is anyone interested in helping? I will be updating this with specifics, but for now you can take a peek at: https://developer.chrome.com/webstore/images

iteles commented 7 years ago

The most awesome artwork people I know are @harrygfox @nogainbar and @andrewMacmurray (just in case they have a little spare time, which I doubt for now :relaxed:)

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@ryanpcmcquen I'm in favour of using image

It's a recognised/standard emoji. :speak_no_evil: -> 🙊 We could hire a graphic artist if we ever need to improve it, but for now we can ship with this.

andrewMacmurray commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic that's a great idea! It captures the intension of the app perfectly (don't say anything you might regret) but makes it light hearted enough and instantly recognisable. It also fits really well in the context - emojis have become such an important part of speech on the internet.

I definitely think you should call it speak-no-evil #7 👍