dwyl / email

✉️ email dashboard to track deliverability and engagement stats in our App 📈
GNU General Public License v2.0
41 stars 2 forks source link

Heroku Error -> "Free app running time quota exhausted" 🤦 #38

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

https://dwylmail.herokuapp.com image

heroku logs --tail


$7/month ... 💭 image

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

A potential (short-term) solution could be to scale up the dyno before test and scale it back down once tests pass.

Run the command:

heroku ps:type hobby


Scaling dynos on ⬢ dwylmail... done
type  size   qty  cost/mo
────  ─────  ───  ───────
web   Hobby  1    7

Confirmed via Web UI:


To scale back down:

heroku ps:type free


Scaling dynos on ⬢ dwylmail... done
type  size  qty  cost/mo
────  ────  ───  ───────
web   Free  1

Obviously it's lame to do this manually each time we run a script. 💭

Given that Email is core to our infrastructure, it might be time to just migrate it to AWS EC2: https://github.com/dwyl/aws-ses-lambda/issues/21

tsangaris commented 3 years ago

Had the same issue and migrated all my sites to Vercel. Hopefully, there is no such cap there.

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

Yeah, Vercel is a good option for JS apps and they have a more liberal fair-use policy. 👍 This App is built with Elixir so I don't think Vercel is an option for now. 😞

th0mas commented 3 years ago

fly.io could also be a good option and have a generous free tier. They have an option to import apps from Heroku as well: https://fly.io/heroku