dwyl / learn-amazon-web-services

:star: Amazing Guide to using Amazon Web Services (AWS)! :cloud:
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AWS RDS Aurora #28

Open Danwhy opened 6 years ago

Danwhy commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure if creating/migrating a postgres database on AWS Aurora is the exact same process as for a regular postgres RDS database.

I'd like to perform a brief spike to test this before we migrate the OA database from heroku, to catch any potential issues early, and update the RDS section of this tutorial.

Aurora does not have a free tier available, so we will need to have a credit card attached to the account to test this:

screen shot 2018-05-10 at 10 36 51 screen shot 2018-05-10 at 10 38 43
nelsonic commented 6 years ago

@Danwhy if you focus your spike on Aurora and get the tests & docs done in 3 hours (then shut down the instance) it won't "break the bank" ... 🤔

$0.29 x 24 x 365 / 12 = $211.7/month = £155.87/month

For reference, the cost to our client(s) for using Aurora will be a minimum of Two instances. So £312/month (which is cheaper than what they are currently paying...)

iteles commented 6 years ago

:+1: Lets also do this for the European region specifically for GDPR compliance in future work!

Danwhy commented 6 years ago

So creating and migrating to Aurora was almost identical to the standard Postgres database. I've added a short note stating that to the readme, along with some more detail on migrating from heroku: #29