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How to Escape/Sanitise Untrusted Data/Params in SQL Queries to avoid SQL Injection in node.js? #64

Closed nelsonic closed 5 years ago

nelsonic commented 5 years ago


It would be (highly) irresponsible of us to introduce people to SQL+PostgreSQL without covering SQL injections (SQLi) and how to defend/protect against them. According to the OWASP Top 10, "injection" in general and SQL injection specifically are still the number one source of security vulnerabilities in web apps.



"Injection flaws, such as SQL, NoSQL, OS, and LDAP injection, occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. The attacker’s hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing unintended commands or accessing data without proper authorization."

An SQL injection can be devastating to a web application because it can result in anything from privilege escalation (where the attacker makes themself an "admin" of your app) to data theft and database or table deletion!

XKCD Bobby Drop Tables https://xkcd.com/327 - we can laugh at this comic because we haven't suffered an SQLi attack. 😥


When inserting data (or running a parameterised query) in Postgres, we must sanitise (or "escape") the parameters even when we trust them!

(thankfully, Ecto sanitises all queries automatically+transparently, so when using Phoenix this is taken care of and we can all just get on with our building our App ... but in Node.js there's more work)


Historically we have used the pg-escape library to escape our queries. It worked (mostly) and we did not give it any more thought. But while building the example #51 we noted that "escape.literal throws val.indexOf is not a function for numbers and booleans" see: https://github.com/segmentio/pg-escape/issues/15 Which means that we cannot insert INT/BOOL into a Postgres db or select based on the an INT/BOOL parameter ... we've been using the following "work around":

In our case the person.id is an INT so we write:

const fields = "username, website";
let q = escape(`SELECT %L FROM people WHERE id = $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1`, fields); 
q = q.replace('$id', parseInt(id, 10)));

You'll notice that this does not actually do any escaping of the id parameter. The $id variable just gets replaced in the query without any checking/sanitisation. This is obviously an undesirable situation, so it got me thinking: "How can we fix this?"

The basic example above is just to illustrate the problem. The reality is much worse! e.g:

function insert_person (data, callback) {
  connect( function insert_person_after_connected () {
    const { name, username, bio, worksfor, location, website, uid,
      stars, followers, following, contribs } = data;
    const fields = `(name, username, bio, worksfor, location, website, uid,
      stars, followers, following, contribs, recent_activity)`;
    let q = escape(`INSERT INTO people %s
      VALUES (%L, %L, %L, %L, %L, %L, $u, $s, $f, $g, $c, $r)`,
      fields, name, username, bio, worksfor, location, website);
      q = q.replace('$u', parseInt(uid, 10))
        .replace('$s', parseInt(stars, 10))
        .replace('$f', parseInt(followers, 10))
        .replace('$g', parseInt(following, 10))
        .replace('$c', parseInt(contribs, 10))
        .replace('$r', utils.recent_activity(data));

    PG_CLIENT.query(q, function(error, result) {
      utils.log_error(error, data, new Error().stack);
      return insert_next_page (data, callback);

In the case of our insert_person function there are six INT values that have to be "replaced"... 🤦‍♂️

As you can imagine, I'm really unhappy with this. (hence opening this issue to fix it!)

A bit of searching for "nodejs postgresql sanitize" landed me on the SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41455585/does-pg-node-postgres-automatically-sanitize-data


The accepted answer in his SO question/answer: "Does pg (node-postgres) automatically sanitize data?" is that node-postgres (recently renamed pg) "offers no protection against SQL injection" ...

Thankfully, @tuananh took the time to write a factually correct follow-up answer informing that the pg module does in fact offer SQL injection protection when using the second argument of the query method to supply an array of parameters.

https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/wiki/FAQ#8-does-node-postgres-handle-sql-injection image

Note: the fact that the accepted answer on an SO question is patently wrong is symptomatic of SO's inability to re-assign the accepted answer in light of new evidence. 🙄

Anyway, long story short, we are able to re-write the hideous insert_person function which previously had 6 replace statements (see above) to become this:

function insert_person (data, callback) {
  connect( function insert_person_after_connected () {
    const { name, username, bio, worksfor, location, website, uid,
      stars, followers, following, contribs } = data; // destructured assignment
    const recent_activity = utils.recent_activity(data); // calculate recent activity for user
    const query = `INSERT INTO people (name, username, bio, worksfor, location,
      website, uid, stars, followers, following, contribs, recent_activity)
      VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12)`;
    const values = [name, username, bio, worksfor, location, website, uid,
      stars, followers, following, contribs, recent_activity];

    PG_CLIENT.query(query, values, function(error, result) {
      utils.log_error(error, data, new Error().stack);
      return insert_next_page (data, callback);

This is not "perfect" by any means but it's a lot better!


nelsonic commented 5 years ago

our insert_org function was:

function insert_org (data, callback) {
  const fields = '(' + [ "url", "name", "description", "location",
  "website", "email", "pcount", "uid"].join(',') + ')';
  connect( function insert_org_after_connected () {
    const { url,name,description,location,website,email,pcount,uid } = data;
    // console.log(fields, name, username, company, uid, location);
    const placeholders = '%L, %L, %L, %L, %L, %L, $p, $1'
    let q = escape('INSERT INTO orgs %s VALUES (' + placeholders + ')',
      fields, url,name,description,location,website,email);
      // for some reason pg-escape does not play well with integers ...
      // see: https://github.com/segmentio/pg-escape/issues/15
      // so we are manually replacing the values:
      q = q.replace('$1', parseInt(uid, 10));
      q = q.replace('$p', parseInt(pcount, 10));
    // console.log('L93: query:', q);

    PG_CLIENT.query(q, function(error, result) {
      utils.log_error(error, data, new Error().stack);
      return insert_next_page (data, callback);

Simplified to:

function insert_org (data, callback) {
  connect( function insert_org_after_connected () {
    const { url,name,description,location,website,email,pcount,uid } = data;
    const query = `INSERT INTO orgs
    (url, name, description, location, website, email, pcount, uid)
    VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8)`;
    const values = [url,name,description,location,website,email,pcount,uid];

    PG_CLIENT.query(query, values, function(error, result) {
      utils.log_error(error, data, new Error().stack);
      return insert_next_page (data, callback);

Cleaner and less "explaining" in the comments.

I'm not sure about creating the local variables based on the values in the dataObject ... 🤔 Is this better:

function insert_org (data, callback) {
  connect( function insert_org_after_connected () {
    const query = `INSERT INTO orgs
    (url, name, description, location, website, email, pcount, uid)
    VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8)`;
    const values = [data.url, data.name, data.description, data.location, 
      data.website, data.email, data.pcount, data.uid];

    PG_CLIENT.query(query, values, function(error, result) {
      utils.log_error(error, data, new Error().stack);
      return insert_next_page (data, callback);

What do you think...?

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

our insert_repo function was:

function insert_repo (data, callback) {

  const fields = '(' + [ "url", "description", "website", "tags", "langs",
  "watchers", "stars", "forks", "commits"].join(',') + ')';
  // console.log('db.js:L105: insert_repo > data', Object.keys(data).join(','));
  connect( function insert_repo_after_connected () {
    const { url, description, website, tags, langs, // string data
      watchers, stars, forks, commits} = data; // int data
    // console.log(fields, name, username, company, uid, location);
    const placeholders = '%L, %L, %L, %L, %L, $w, $s, $f, $c'
    let q = escape('INSERT INTO repos %s VALUES (' + placeholders + ')',
      fields, url, description, website, tags, langs.join(','));
      // for some reason pg-escape does not play well with integers ...
      // see: https://github.com/segmentio/pg-escape/issues/15
      // so we are manually replacing the values:
      q = q.replace('$w', parseInt(watchers, 10))
        .replace('$s', parseInt(stars, 10))
        .replace('$f', parseInt(forks, 10))
        .replace('$c', parseInt(commits, 10));

    // console.log('L121: query:', q);

    PG_CLIENT.query(q, function(error, result) {
      utils.log_error(error, data, new Error().stack);
      return insert_next_page (data, callback);

And is now much cleaner:

function insert_repo (data, callback) {
  connect( function insert_repo_after_connected () {
    const { url, description, website, tags, langs,
      watchers, stars, forks, commits} = data;
    const query = `INSERT INTO repos
    (url, description, website, tags, langs, watchers, stars, forks, commits)
    VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)`;
    const values = [url, description, website, tags, langs,
      watchers, stars, forks, commits];

    PG_CLIENT.query(query, values, function(error, result) {
      utils.log_error(error, data, new Error().stack);
      return insert_next_page (data, callback);

nelsonic commented 5 years ago

Included in PR #51