dwyl / learn-progressive-web-apps

:green_book: Learn the ancient art of building websites/apps progressively for all devices!
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Official Gov Guidelines for Progressive Enhancement #6

Open nelsonic opened 8 years ago

nelsonic commented 8 years ago


iteles commented 7 years ago


Thanks for sharing @benjaminlees 👍 :arrow_up:

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Yeah, the GOV.UK progressive enhancement article was at the Top of Hacker News yesterday: progressive-enhancement-top-of-hacker-news-sept-2016 Accompanied by the usual comment-war https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12538144 In which lazy/ignorant people attempt to make the case why there is "no time" to build things progressively ...

Another good link is to the GOV.UK Design Principals: https://www.gov.uk/design-principles which I highly doubt most "Modern JavaScript" developers have read let alone follow...

Because as we all know, "Progressive Enhancement is Dead": http://tomdale.net/2013/09/progressive-enhancement-is-dead/

A better question is: When do we not want to support 100% of users...?

Most people don't make a conscious decision to not support "No JS", they do it by default because Front-end Frameworks make the implicit assumption that all web apps should be built in the browser and thus require JS ... an entire generation of web developers are entering the "market" not knowing the messy reality that Millions of people are still stuck on "Old" devices/browsers and often don't have the option of upgrading.

Meanwhile _Google_ is still flying the flag for Progressive Enhancement with their AMP & PWA projects, and we're stoked that someone is still taking the time to cater for everyone.

aarongustafson commented 7 years ago

Wait, you mean this Tom Dale? ;-)


He did a complete 180, but of course never mentioned that Fastboot was PE.

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@aarongustafson indeed. a 180o turn from 2013 --> 2015 ... I wonder why...? 😕

aarongustafson commented 7 years ago

Some jaded colleagues have speculated that he was exacerbating a problem in advance of "selling" his own solution. I like to think he realized the error of his ways. I suspect it's the latter simply because he never full owns up and says "Hey you know that thing I said about progressive enhancement being nonsense? I was totally wrong. If you, like me, have gone down the route of SPAs with reckless abandon, I have a solution that will help get you progressive enhancement…”