dwyl / product-roadmap

:globe_with_meridians: Because why wouldn't you make your company's product roadmap Public on GitHub?
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Review the "How" section #28

Open SimonLab opened 2 years ago

SimonLab commented 2 years ago

I think the Readme describes well the motivations on why we are creating the application: Creating a system/app that help people to be effective at achieving well defined goals will make them happy!

However I feel that the Tech & Features Roadmap section could be updated and completed (as mention in the section "This list will evolve over time." and it might be a good time to think about the requirements and features).

I think having a first visual representation of the app can be a good starting point to validate (or reject) requirements.

I'm thinking of

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

@SimonLab does the MVP: mvp.fly.dev answer your initial questions on UI/UX or can we still do a better job of sketching out the features? I've been doing a few paper sketches but nothing in Figma yet ... ✍️